flocking['flɔkiŋ]n. 棉屑;羊毛屑;植絨花紋v. 群集;簇擁(flock的ing形式)
flocking 植絨;芹絨布;靜電植絨;毛束;electrostatic flocking 靜電植絨;靜電植毛;plain flocking 素面植絨:;印花植絨;素面植絨;素面植絨 紡織品英語;Jeans flocking 牛仔皮植絨:;牛仔皮植絨 紡織品英語;牛仔布植絨:;PVC flocking PVC植絨:;植絨;植絨:;
1.And in Rome, Italians are flocking to a chocolate store to get their fix of sweet Easter candy. 在羅馬,意大利人都蜂擁到一家巧克力店去購買他們的香甜的復活節糖果。
2.The test result shows that the quantity of embeded flock increased with the added flocking time and additional voltage, but decreased with the added distance of plate. 實驗證明在其他條件一定時,植入絨毛量隨著植絨時間和外加電壓的增加而增加,隨極板距離的增加而減小。
3.Founded in 1998, specialized in the flocking equipment development and production, while flocking to undertake processing business, production of rubber flocking Mendian welcomed by customers. 成立於1998年,專業從事植絨設備的開發與生產,同時承接植絨加工業務,生產的植絨橡膠門墊深受客戶歡迎。