basho['bɑ:ʃəu]n. 相撲場
Basho 芭蕉;松尾芭蕉;場所;Basho Matsuo 松尾芭蕉;Basho Kioku 考您記憶力;Entotsu no mieru basho 看得見煙囪的地方;SUNADOKEI NO KUBIRETA BASHO 砂漏時鐘的葫蘆位置;
1.Goku's search for the Basho fan leads him to a treacherous mountain that has a strange curse. 悟空尋找芭蕉扇又來到了一座遭受古怪詛咒的險惡的大山。
2.On the whole, Basho's aesthetic adjustment and choices of writing ways in the process of accepting Chinese cultures can be found in his poem collections and travel diaries. 當時松尾芭蕉接受中國文化時的審美心理的調整過程,以及創造新質的選擇機制,從他的旅行記中得到了闡釋。
3."Huka" in the history of Japanese literature generally means the literary pursuits of all arts. Matsuo Basho applied "huka" to his creation of "haiku", a way of poem writing. 在日本文學史上「風雅」一般指全體藝術,而貫穿在松尾芭蕉藝術之道的「風雅」為俳諧之意。