dotted crotchet dotted note quarter note 四分音符;audio frequency amplifier note amplifier note magnifier phono amplifier tone amplifier voice am 音頻放大器;audio frequency amplifier note amplifier note magnifier phono amplifier tone amplifier voice am 音頻放大器;audio frequency amplifier note amplifier note magnifier phono amplifier tone amplifier voice am 音頻放大器;audio frequency amplifier note amplifier note magnifier phono amplifier tone amplifier voice am 音頻放大器;
1.Provide various supplies: such as note-paper binding machine, manual bundle note paper, note tied rope, tied note band practice volume and other products. 提供各種耗材:如機用扎鈔紙、手工扎鈔紙、捆鈔繩、捆鈔帶、練功卷等產品。
2.Thus the whole note or semibreve has no stem, but the relative duration of the half note or minim, half the length of the whole note is indicated by the addition of a stem. 因此全音符沒有符干,二分音符(全音符長度的一半)的時值,用在全音符上加一條符干來表示。
3.Yellow "sticky note" with drop shadow. Select note and type to add text. Resize note to fit text. 帶投影的黃色「報事貼」。選擇便條並鍵入以添加文本。根據文本調整便條的大小。
4.A short grace note one half step below a principal note, sounded immediately before or at the same time as the principal note to add sustained . 短倚音比主音符低半拍的一種短輕的音符,響起來主音符緊隨其後或同時…
5.Yellow "sticky note" with drop shadow. Select note and type to add text. Resize note to fit text. 帶投影的黃色「報事貼」。選擇便條並鍵入以添加文本。根據文本調整便條的大小。