





was[wɔz, wʌz, ॼ౷əz, wz]is或am的過去式


WAS WebSphere Application Server;Web Application Stress Tool;華盛頓;服務器;which was 定語從句;另一個是;he was 他曾是...;他曾經是;用「人肉打樁機」方式把他(陸志偉)倒頭撞地。;was doing 過去進行時;was born 出生;出生於;


1.How it was done was a mystery. 那件事是如何做的是一個謎。

2.Was our love really all a lie? 我們的愛,其實都是一場謊言?

3.One picture was of a calm lake. 一幅畫上是一個平靜的湖面。


Please inform him that Chen Gang was calling. - 麻煩你通知他陳剛來過電話。

When was your reservation? - 您預定的是什麼時候?

Sir, I thought this was an emergency. - 先生,我想這是一位急病患者。

When was it built? - 它是什麼時候建造的?

What was your graduation thesis on? - 你畢業論文是什麼題目?

What was your speciality? - 你學的是什麼專業?

What was your best subject in college? - 大學時你哪門功課最好?

Because the job was not challenging enough. - 因為那份工作挑戰性不夠。

It was a gradual process, involving many factors. - 這是個漸進的過程,涉及到方方面面。

How was your flight? - 旅途愉快嗎?

Oh, it was nothing. I'm glad she liked it. - 嗯,小意思。她喜歡就好。

I grew up in Beijing, but I was in Los Angeles for two years. - 我在北京長大,不過在洛杉磯已呆了兩年。

I was here too, but I didn't get to know you. I'm John. - 我也出席了,但沒有機會結識你。我叫約翰。

That's good, I thought I was late. - 太好了,我還以為我來遲了呢。

Well, that was delicious! Thanks very much indeed. I know that you are a really good cook. - 阿,這頓飯真是太可口了,非常感謝。我知道你是一個非常出色的廚師。

How was your trip? - 你這一趟旅途還好吧?

When was your last day off? - 上次休假是在什麼時候?

I used to be that way when I was her age. - 我像她這般年紀也是這樣。

My day was just fine. - 這一天還好。

So was my night. - 晚上也還不錯。

When was the last time? - 最近一次是什麼時候?

Why was she working anyway? She's rich. - 真弄不懂她當初為什麼要工作。她是有錢人呀。

It was tough, but I made it. I'm a college graduate. - 那雖然不簡單, 但我成功了。 我現在是一名大學畢業生了。

I should have quit while I was ahead. - 我應該見好就收。

Goodbye, it was a pleasure meeting you. - 再見, 和你見面很高興。

What was the weather like? - 那邊天氣怎麼樣?

My vacation was wonderful. - 我的假期棒極了!

My vacation was too short, I needed more time. - 假期太短了,再有幾天就好了。

My vacation was terrible, it rained the whole time. - 我的假期簡直糟透了,整天都在下雨。

It really was a wonderful ceremony. - 那真是一個美好的(結婚)典禮。

That was a big dinner, and I'm stuffed. - 晚餐真豐盛啊!我吃多了!

It was very windy last fall. - 去年秋天總颳風。

The movie was a blockbuster. - 這電影很成功。

The movie was a box office success. - 這電影的票房很成功。

The movie was a smash. - 這個電影很過癮。

What was your GPA last semester? - 你上個學期的平均成績是多少?

I was a member of the debate team. - 我是辯論隊的成員。

I was elected the student body president at my college. - 我被選為校學生會主席。

I was late because I had a flat tire. - 我來晚了,因為我的車壞了。

I was left with nothing. - 我一點兒不剩了。

I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I was really bummed out. - 最近我和男朋友分手了。我真沮喪。

I was relieved of my position. - 我被撤職了。

The birthday dinner was held at a five-star restaurant. - 生日宴會在一個五星級的賓館裡舉辦。

The wedding banquet was prepared beautifully. - 婚禮宴會準備的很好。

I wish the weather was like this all year. - 我希望整年都是這樣的天氣。

Thank you, that was a great meal. - 謝謝,真是一頓好飯。

It was nice meeting you. - 非常高興遇見你。

It was a pleasure meeting you, too. - 我也很高興碰到你。

I was expecting him here at five forty-five. - 我們約好了五點四十五在這裡會面的。

I went back for it, but the ferry was gone. - 等我回去找的時候 船已經開走了。


the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes - 她睡眼惺忪

the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes - 眼前一片模糊

cerebrospinal fluid was sermann reaction - 腦脊液梅毒補體結合反應

The narcotic was made from Chinese hemp - 這種麻醉劑是漢麻制的


n.腦脊液梅毒補體結合反應 - cerebrospinal fluid was sermann reaction

n.這種麻醉劑是漢麻制的 - The narcotic was made from Chinese hemp

n.她睡眼惺忪,眼前一片模糊 - the object was a blur to her sleeping eyes

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