





as black as one's hat coal-black jet jet-black jetty pitch-black 墨黑的;as black as one's hat coal-black jet jet-black jetty pitch-black 墨黑的;as black as one's hat coal-black jet jet-black jetty pitch-black 墨黑的;a black sheep black sheep 害群之馬;敗家子;black art blackart enchantment the black art theurgy 妖術;


1.There are so many products . Such as "Weidi" Brand Natural Black carrant juice, original Black currant juice, Black currant jam, Black currant fruit wine and so on. 主要產品有純天然「維帝」牌黑加倫果汁飲料、黑加倫原汁、黑加倫果醬等產品。

2.There are so many products . Such as "Weidi" Brand Natural Black carrant juice, original Black currant juice, Black currant jam, Black currant fruit wine and so on. 主要產品有純天然「維帝」牌黑加倫果汁飲料、黑加倫原汁、黑加倫果醬等產品。

3.Colors: Red/Black, Black/Metallic Silver, Pearl Yellow/Black, Candy Dark Red/Metallic Silver, Black/Metallic Grey (2008 special color? 顏色:紅色/黑色,黑/金屬銀,珍珠黃/黑,糖果暗紅色/金屬銀,黑/金屬灰( 2008年特別的顏色?

4.On the plane, I wore black suede trousers with a comfortable black top, a pair of black suede short boots (my only footwear for the trip), and a black leather jacket. 在飛機上,我穿著黑色絨面長褲舒適的黑色頂端,一雙黑色絨面短統靴(我唯一的鞋類行程) ,以及黑色皮夾克。

5.She was stick-thin, in tight, black leggings, a short black leather jacket and a beret over her long black hair. 她體型單薄,身子被衣服裹得很緊,穿著短小的黑色皮夾克和黑色長筒襪,長長的黑頭髮上戴著帽子。


78 percent of black high-school graduates are unemployed. - 百分之四十八的黑人高中畢業生失業。

It is a small flock that has not a black sheep. - 家家難免有敗類。

Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs. - 不要嘲笑皮匠的黑拇指。

The devil is not so black as he is painted. - 魔鬼不像所描繪的那麼黑。

There is a black sheep in every flock. - 群群羊中有黑羊。

No, thank you.I don't like milk in my coffee.I like black coffee. - 不了,謝謝。我不喜歡咖啡中放牛奶,我喜歡咖啡。

In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. - 演出時她必須穿一條鮮紅色的裙子和黑色的長筒襪。

The railway station was big, black and dark. - 火車站很大,又黑又暗。

Mrs.Rumbold was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. - 蘭伯爾德夫人是一位身材高大、表情嚴肅的女人,穿一件緊身的黑衣服。

At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. - 正在此時,一輛黑色大轎車在軍營門口停了下來。裡面坐了4個軍官。

Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. - 每天早晨,他穿上一身漂亮的黑色西裝離家上班,

Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. - 鑽石項鏈、戒指漂亮地陳列在黑色絲絨上面。

One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stocking over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. - 一人留在駕駛座上,另外兩個用黑色長筒絲襪蒙面的人跳下車來。他們用鐵棒把商店櫥窗的玻璃砸碎。

When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to find the little black lamb was almost white. - 半小時後,當他從屋裡出來時,他驚奇地發現小黑羔羊全身幾乎都變成白色。

Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily. - 小黑盒子裡迸出火花,紅色燈泡發怒似地忽明忽暗。

There was a note of triumph in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. - 我帶著一種勝利者的調子告訴他那趟車白紙黑字。明明白白印在時刻表上。

The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby. - 村裡似乎無人居住,唯一的生命跡像是附近田里一隻面目可憎的黑山羊,用一截短繩拴在一棵樹上。

Old women in black shawls peered at us from doorways. - 披黑紗巾的老婦人站在門口偷偷地瞅著我們。

I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over. - 我摔了好幾跤,全身又青又紫。

Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain. - 看那成堆的烏雲,要下雨啦!

It's black. It's a black car. - 是黑色的,一輛黑色的車。

The one on the black bike. - 騎在那輛黑色的自行車上的男孩。

Is it a black one? - 是快黑的嗎?

Is it a black cat with one white ear and two white legs? - 是那只長著一隻白耳朵和兩條白腿的黑貓嗎?

I'm looking for a pair of black shoes. - 我在找雙黑色的鞋。

I'm afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. - 恐怕此刻我們沒有8號的黑色鞋了。

It's about a time when there were black slaves in North America. It's about their fight for freedom. - (它)講的是有一段時期,北美洲存在黑奴。影片講述他們為自由而鬥爭的情況。

He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked. - 他頭戴一頂小黑帽,身穿一條非常寬大的褲子,嘴上留著小鬍子,手提著一根他邊走邊在空中揮舞的手杖。

We black people of Birmingham want equal rights. - 我們伯明翰的黑人要求享有平等權利。

so you're telling me that the situation here is bad for black people. - 那麼,你是說這裡的情況對黑人來說是很糟了。

A few days later about 140 black people were taken and put on a tall sailing ship waiting off the coast. - 幾天以後,大約140名黑人被帶到一艘停靠在海岸邊的大帆船上。

This makes copies, using a mirror, a roller and special black powder. - 傳真機使用一面鏡子,一個滾筒和持制的黑色粉未製作複製品。


n. black light filter - 不可見光濾除器

black plum; prunus mume - 烏梅

black olive - 烏欖

black catechu; gambir - 兒茶

black smallpox; hemorrhagic smallpox; variola heamorrhagica - 出血性天花

black measles; hemorrhagic measles - 出血性麻疹

Black colour and salty flavour match the kidney - 在色為黑

n. austemper process sphaerical black lead casted iron - 大氣腐食抵抗

n. black copper - 無鍍層銅

black red; dark red - 暗紅

black wash; gray lotion - 灰色洗液

n. black ore - 煤礦石

n. black light filter - 紫外過濾器

eriochrome black t - 羊毛鉻黑T

n. acid resistant black varnish - 耐酸黑漆

Black colour and salty flavour match the kidney - 腎在味為鹹

black degeneration of brain - 腦黑色變性

sudan black b - 蘇丹黑B

sudan black b - 蘇丹黑b

acid blue black 6b - 酸性藍黑6B

chrome blue blac r; eriochrome blue black r - 鉻藍黑R

chrome black t; eriochrome black t - 鉻黑T

the black of the eye; wind orliculus; windorliculus - 風輪

black measles - 麻毒入營

black body; corpus nigricans - 黑體

black radiation; black-body radiation - 黑體輻射

black out; blackout - 黑內障

black ringworm; tinea nigrocircinata - 黑圓癬

black soybean - 黑大豆

black bead; comedo; pl comedones - 黑頭粉刺

black as soot - 黑如炱

black vaginal discharge; blackish leukorrhea - 黑帶

n. black heart malleable castings - 黑心可鍛鑄件

n. black heart malleable cast iron - 黑心展性鑄鐵

black heart - 黑心病

black date - 黑棗

black liquor - 黑液

black nevus; melanotic nevus - 黑痣

n. black sheet - 黑皮鐵

black eye - 黑眼

the black of eye - 黑睛珠

n. black ore - 黑礦

black pepper - 黑胡椒

black lipid membrane - 黑脂膜

black tongue - 黑舌病

n. black oxide finish - 黑色氧化塗層

n. black oxide finish - 黑色氧化表面處理

n. black nickel plating - 黑色鍍鎳

black sesame seed - 黑芝麻

black fur - 黑苔


乙炔黑,乙炔碳黑 - acetylene black

n.酸性茜素黑 - acid alizarine black

n.酸性藍黑6B - acid blue black 6b

n.胺黑 - amido black

酰胺合成酶 - amido black 10B

n.氨基黑 - amino black

n.苯胺黑 - aniline black

帶青黑色 - bluish black

n.骨炭 - bone black

n.炭黑 - carbon black

n.鉻黑T - chrome black t

n.羊毛鉻黑 - eriochrome black

n.鉻黑T,羊毛鉻黑T;羊毛鉻黑T商] - eriochrome black t

n.鉻藍黑R - eriochrome blue black r

n.石墨化碳墨 - graphitized carbon black

n.墨綠 - greenish black

n.巴黎骨炭 - paris black

n.鉑黑 - platinum black

小菌核黑粒 - small sclerotium black granule

n.蘇丹黑 - sudan black

n.蘇丹黑B,蘇丹黑b;蘇丹黑B染料 - sudan black b

蘇丹黑B染色 - sudan black B stain

n.黑睛珠 - the black of eye

n.風輪 - the black of the eye

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