muni['mju:ni]n. [美俚]市政公債
MUNI 公車局;公交車;鐵路;圖片;MUNI Passport 姆尼通行證;Muni Shinobu 無二 忍;Paul Muni 保羅·茂尼;保羅莫尼;Kardama Muni 卡達瑪·牟尼;
1.Spain, which later colonized the neighboring mainland region of Rio Muni, ultimately gained control of both colonies. 西班牙殖民者在相鄰的裡約慕尼地區建立了殖民地,並最終控制了這兩個地區,被稱為西屬幾內亞。
2.The sound which a muni hears by closing his ears with his fingers, should be heard attentively, till the mind becomes steady in it. 用手指塞住耳朵,諦聽身內的妙音,則心靈會慢慢寧靜下來。
3.Of all trees I am the sacred banyan tree of divine sages, Narada Muni, of the Gandharvas, Citraratha and of perfected beings I am Kapiladeva. 在所有的樹木中,「我」就是神聖的菩提樹。在聖賢和半人神中,「我」就是拿拉達穆你。在天使歌頌者(干德哈瓦斯)中,「我」就是塞特拉拉哈。在完美的生靈中,「我」就是聖賢卡匹拉德瓦。