





troubleed['trʌbl]n. 煩惱,苦惱,擔心,憂慮不幸;災難,災禍,禍患困難,困難局面,危難事件努力,辛勞,辛苦麻煩,煩勞,苦心,操心引起苦惱(或危險、困難等)的人(或環境、事件);討厭的人(或事)病,疾病,身體不適[the troubles] (1920~1922年)愛爾蘭的暴力和內戰(尤指北愛爾蘭1969年開始的)社會動亂,騷亂,糾紛,風潮,騷擾,局勢動盪(機器等的)故障未婚先孕【礦物學】斷層情況,問題vt. 使苦惱,使憂慮,使焦慮,使煩惱: 例句:I'm rather troubled about my friend's health.我為朋友的健康感到非常憂慮。Her behaviour deeply troubled me.她的行為讓我深感憂慮。擾亂;弄亂,打亂;使不安定;使激動: 例句:The strong wind troubled the sea.大風使大海翻騰起來。使感不便,妨礙,麻煩: 例句:Don't trouble yourself to rise.不勞你起身。May I trouble you to close the window?勞駕你關上窗子好麼?使痛苦,使不舒服;(病痛)折磨: 例句:Her arthritis troubles her greatly.關節炎把她折騰得夠嗆。vi. 費心,費神;麻煩: 例句:Don't trouble to return it.別費心歸還了。煩惱,苦惱,擔心,憂慮: 例句:Don't trouble about it.不要為此而苦惱了。to trouble oneself with a trifle為小事煩惱短語: a sea of troubles 困難重重,無窮無盡的麻煩ask for (或look for, seek) trouble [口語]自找麻煩,自尋煩惱;自討苦吃A trouble shared is a trouble halved. [諺語]苦惱讓人知曉,負擔一半減少。bear someone's trouble on one's back 替某人受苦受難(或擔當責任)be more trouble than a cartload of monkeys [口語]令人極其煩心,極其討厭be not trouble = not to be troubleborrow trouble 自尋煩惱,自找麻煩;杞人憂天don't trouble (to explain) 別去麻煩啦,別費事drown one's troubles 借酒澆愁get into trouble 招致麻煩(或不幸、責罰);引起指責;陷入困境get someone into trouble使某人陷入困境[口語、委婉語]使某人未婚先孕get someone out of trouble (使)某人擺脫困境(或不幸);(使)免受責罵(或處罰)give oneself trouble 盡力,費力give someone trouble 給別人添麻煩,麻煩人家,打擾人家[亦作 put someone to (或to the)trouble]go to the (或 any, some)trouble 不辭辛勞,不怕麻煩;特意(後接of+動名詞)have trouble with因…苦惱有…病痛同…鬧糾紛[亦作 have troubles with]I'll trouble you to 麻煩你…,勞駕你…,請你…in trouble處於不幸(或苦惱,困境中)挨罵;受罰[口語]未婚先孕的坐牢[亦作 into trouble]look for trouble = ask for troublemake trouble 引起麻煩,搗蛋,搗亂,鬧事,惹亂子make trouble for 給…惹亂子,給…帶來麻煩meet trouble halfway 自尋煩惱,杞人憂天Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you [諺語]麻煩沒來找你,別去自找麻煩。no trouble (at all) [口語]不麻煩,沒什麼,這不費事,容易得很not to be trouble 不惹麻煩,不打擾put oneself to (the) trouble 願意費力,不怕麻煩put someone to (the) trouble = give someone troublerun into trouble = get into troublesave oneself the trouble (of) 省卻(…的)勞累,省掉(…的)麻煩seek trouble = ask for troubletake (或 go to) (the) trouble 不避煩勞,不辭勞苦,費心,費力,不怕費事;盡力設法teething troubles出牙期的病痛事情開始時的暫時困難trouble (someone) for (something) 麻煩某人(做某事或遞某物,告訴比賽分數、時間等)[常用於疑問句]變形: troubled , troubling


troubleed 不安的;Bridge over troubleed water 水之橋;


1.I'm rather troubled about my friend's health. 我為朋友的健康感到非常憂慮。

2.The librarian told her that she might return the book to the libraryz in might troubleed with a question about Taiwan issue. 在記者招待會上,一位新聞記者問大會主席她是否能提一個有關台灣問題方面的問題。

3.It seems that you want to cure the disease, on thecontray, you don't stop the disease but get it byyourself. it matches that phrase "don't troubleed trouble until trouble troubles you". 這就像你想要治癒疾病,相反地,你沒能止住疾病反而自己染上了它。

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