unadvancedadj. 不先進的
unadvanced 不先進的;
1.For example, nonstandard bidding procedure, unscientific method for evaluation, unadvanced mode of quoted, corruption and so on. 招投標程序不規範、評標方法不科學、缺乏先進的投標報價模式、腐敗問題等。
2.But the management of car sales logistics is unadvanced in our country. It gets behind the development of car industry and consumption, and needs to be reformed. 但是,我國的汽車銷售物流採用的仍然是落後的管理和手段,已經跟不上當今汽車生產和消費的腳步,亟需改進。
3.On one band, the laggerbehind of the rural area binders the development of the education, likewise the unadvanced education in such areas differ the development in other many aspects. 農村社會的落後阻礙了農村教育事業的發展,農村教育事業的滯後又延緩了農村社會的發展。