





Chinan. 中國adj. 中國的;中國製造的


China 中國;國產車;中國大陸;中華人民共和國;Air China 中國國際航空公司;中國國航;中國國際航空;中國航空;China Unicom 中國聯通;中國聯通公司;中國聯合通信有限公司;中國聯通;China Today 今日中國;當代中國;當代中國概論;今曰中國;China policy 對華政策(不是「中國政策」);對華政策(不是「中國政策」);對華政策(不是"中國政策");對華政策;


1.Six is a lucky number in China. 在中國「六」是一個吉祥的數字。

2.Police: Why do you come to China? 警察:您到中國的目的是什麼?

3.What do you like best about China? 對於中國,你最喜歡的是什麼?


Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you? - 喂,你好,中國航空公司訂票處,需要幫忙嗎?

This is Wang with China Bank. - 我是中國銀行的王先生。

I've been in China to work on the new project. - 我一直在中國搞一個新項目。

How do you like China so far? - 你喜歡中國嗎?

The most important festival in China is the Spring Festival. - 中國國,最重要的節日是春節。

In China people call this Ya-Sui-Qian. - 在中國人們把這叫做「壓歲錢」。

On behalf of all the China National Packaging Import and Export Corporation employees invited tonight. - 我代表被邀請的中國包裝進出口公司全體員工。

As relationships between the People's Republic of China and the United States strengthen more and more today. - 隨著當今中美兩國關係的不斷加強。

Air China has a flight leaving at 9:25. - 中國航空公司有一班飛機,9點28分起飛。

I was born in China and brought up in the U.S.A. - 我出生在中國,在美國長大。

I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade. - 我想你也許已經瞭解到中國在對外貿易中採取了靈活的政策。

The netbugs are trapped in China Telecom's web. - 中國電信捕捉纏在網上的網蟲。

New China was founded in l949. - 1949年新中國成立。

sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia. - 「卡蒂薩克」號之類的帆船被用來從中國運回茶葉,從澳大利亞運回羊毛。

I think you probably know China has adopted a flexible policy in her foreign trade. - 我想你也許已經瞭解到中國在對外貿易中採取了靈活的政策。

The news that NATO bombed the China Embassy in Yugoslavia offended all Chinese people. - 北約轟炸中國南斯拉夫大使館的消息激怒了每一個中國人,

He likes working in China very much. - 他很喜歡在中國工作。

Everyone in China likes Mid-Autumn Day. - 在中國人人喜歡中秋節。

The best time to come to China is in spring or autumn. - 到中國來,最好的時間是在春天或者秋天。

But unlike much of China and the USA, the weather in England never gets too hot, or too cold. - 但是,跟中國和美國的許多地方不同,在英國從來沒有太熱的或者太冷的天氣。

Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. - 華北、華南大部分地區將寒冷潮濕。

You see, we've been in China for over two years now, so we are travelling back to England soon for a holiday. - 您知道,我們到中國已有兩年多時間了,所以不久後我們就要回英國度假了。

That's what we did in China in the old days, before thermoses were invented, said Wei Hua. - 「那是我們中國從前未發明出熱水瓶時的做法。」魏華說。

For example, with their help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. - 例如,在衛星的幫助下,中國能把自己的電視及廣播節目傳送到地球的另一邊。

Why don't you buy a radio? Then you can listen to China Radio International or BBC English programmes on the radio. - 你為什麼不買台收音機呢?那樣你就能聽中國國際廣播電台或者BBC英語廣播節目了。

We want to give some money to this project so that the number of this deer in China can be increased. - 我們想在這個項目上花些錢,以便使這些麋鹿的數量在中國得到增加。

Zhou Lan, can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? - 周蘭,我可以看看你這張《中國日報》嗎?

You can imagine how useful this is, particularly in countries like China and Japan, which use written characters not letters. - 你可以想像得到,特別是在中國和日本這些使用文字而不是字母的國家,這是多麼有用處!


china welfare institu - 中國福利會

n. China Steel Corporation - 中國鋼鐵工業有限公司

china wood oil; tung oil - 桐油

chinaroot greenbrier; smilax china root - 菝葜

china clay; kaolin; kaolinite - 高嶺土


n.中國防癆協會 - antituberculosis association of china

n.大夫 - now used for a docter in northern china

n.中華人民共和國藥典 - pharmacopoeia of peoples republic of china

n.中國紅十字會 - red cross society of china

n.菝葜 - smilax china root


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