choreographs['kɔriəɡrɑ:f]vt. 設計舞蹈動作;為…編舞vi. 設計舞蹈動作
1.And Nick Gillard, the fellow who choreographs the fights, came out as well. 設計這些打鬥動作的尼克-吉拉德也去了。
2.In this class, Ms. Yang carefully choreographs simplified dance moves for the younger students while retaining the essence of the move techniques and theme. 為了考量小班的學生年紀小,所以簡化許多舞蹈動作,但仍保留所有曲目主要及特定的動作。
3.Yet another layer of programming choreographs all these functions to produce the overall experience of using the Web site by ensuring that each portion of code does its job when required. 另一層次的程式則把所有的這些功能匯整在一起,確保每一部份的程式碼在必要時發揮效用,以創造出該網站的整體使用經驗。