detinue['detinju:]n. [廢]非法佔有;[律]取回被人非法佔有動產之訴訟
detinue 非法佔有;非法留置的動產回復令狀;請求返還扣留物之訴;非法扣留,非法佔有;accroach detinue 非法佔有;writ of detinue 令狀;交還非法扣押物令;action of detinue 請求歸還拘留物的訴訟;請求返還扣留物的訴訟;
1.Always the purpose with detinue, although adopted beguiling method, also attribute civil dispute, do not answer with punish of crime of fraud. 凡是以非法佔有的目的,即使採取了欺騙的方法,也屬於民事糾紛,不應以詐騙罪論處。
2.This article discusses its concept, meaning of detinue, function and, cognizance and helpless calling-up thus brings forward new ideas and solves pendent problems. 本文通過對惡意透支的概念,非法佔有目的的含義、功能、認定,催收不還的界定的具體理解的論述,提出許多新的觀點,解決了許多懸而未決的問題。
3.Answer: Point to it is a purpose with detinue, take state-private property amount secretly bigger, or for many times secret filch is state-private the behavior of property. 答:指以非法佔有為目的,秘密取公私財物數額較大,或者多次秘密竊取公私財物的行為。