dispensation[,dispen'seiʃən]n. 分配;免除;豁免;天命
dispensation 分配;配方;時代;分配物 配方;dispensation dosage 配藥;Limited antitrust dispensation 有限的反壟斷豁免;dispensation from punishment 免除刑罰;Dispensation of the Fullness of Times 豐滿時代 的福音 期;
1.The democratic government tried to create a unified, efficient bureaucracy that would reflect the new political dispensation. 民主政府試圖創建一個統一、高效的官僚體制,以反映新的制度安排。
2.Darby of which I became minister, according to the dispensation of God which given me towards you to complete the word of God. 思高我依照天主為你們所授與我的職責,作了這教會的僕役,好把天主的道理充分地宣揚出去。
3.These inquiries may include myriads of topics, including the dispensation of a claim, contractual interpretations, and benefit determination. 這些質詢可囊括無盡的話題,包括一項索賠的分配、合約的詮釋以及保險金的裁定。