Snow Storm - Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth 汽船駛離港口;
1.All of a sudden did not expect to launch a boat, holding the sound of steam and Ming-Ming drove forward. 沒想到船一下子發動了,夾著蒸汽和鳴鳴聲向前駛去。
2.To make value many yuan 2600 graph - capital of material of 154 inventory boat as soon as possible steam again, this… 為了使價值2600多萬元的圖-154庫存航材資金盡快回籠,該部…
3.Daily, our ordinary rice bowl is used in varied ways. We wash and cook rice in it, boil, use it for steam-boat, and more! 用普通電飯鍋的內鍋洗米、做火鍋、熬湯、三參魚等等,長期下來會危害健康!