





systemic[si'stemik, -'sti:-]adj. 系統的;全身的;體系的


systemic 系統的;系統性;全身性;身體組織的;systemic velocity 質心速度;質心速;systemic pesticide 內吸性農藥;Systemic Risk 系統性風險;系統風險;系統(連鎖反映的)風險;性風險;Systemic therapy 全身性治療;系統治療;全身治療;全身性治


1.Bioavailability expresses the extent of drug absorption into the systemic circulation. 生物利用度表示藥物吸收進入體循環的份量。

2.Lupus band test and disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus: Does it still matter? 系統性紅斑狼瘡的狼瘡帶試驗與疾病活動性是否仍有關聯?

3.Results:The causes of cytopenia were not only blood systemic diseases but also other systemic diseases. 結果:全血細胞減少的原因既有血液系統疾病,也有非血液系統疾病。


greater circulation; systemic circulation - 體循環

functional curve of systemic circulation - 體循環功能曲線

systemic arterial pressure - 體循環動脈壓

mean pressure of systemic circulation - 體循環平均壓

systemic blood pressure - 體循環血壓

total systemic vascular resistance - 體循環血管總阻力

systemic vascular resistance - 體循環血管阻力

systemic circulation volume - 體循環血量

congestion of systemic circulation - 體循環鬱血

general action; systemic action - 全身作用

general factor; systemic factor - 全身因素

systemic reaction - 全身性反應

sle; systemic lupus erythematosus; systemiclupuserythematosus - 全身性紅斑狼瘡

systemic resistance - 全身性阻力

systemic effect - 全身效應

systemic toxic action - 全身毒作用

systemic toxic symptoms - 全身毒性症狀

systemic perfusion treatment - 全身灌流療法

general disease; systemic disease - 全身疾病

systemic insecticide; systemic pesticide - 內吸性農藥

general circulation; greater circulation; systemic circulation - 大循環

diffuse systemic sclerosis - 瀰漫系統性硬化

acute systemic lupus erythematosus; asle - 急性全身性紅斑狼瘡

acute systemic lupus erythematosus - 急性系統性紅斑狼瘡

systemic gain drift - 系統增益漂移

systemic amyloidosis - 系統性澱粉樣變

systemic amyloidosis - 系統性澱粉樣變性

systemic lesion - 系統性病變

systemic sclerosis - 系統性硬化

systemic scleroderma - 系統性硬皮病

systemic lupus erythematosus; systemiclupuserythematosus - 系統性紅斑狼瘡

systematicallergic angitis; systemic allergic vasculitis - 系統性過敏性脈管炎

systemic disase - 系統病

systemic bacteriology - 細菌分類學

progressive systemic sclerosis - 進行性全身性硬化

progressive systemic scleroderma - 進行性全身性硬皮病

progressive systemic sclerosis - 進行性週身硬化症


n.急性全身性紅斑狼瘡,急性系統性紅斑狼瘡 - acute systemic lupus erythematosus

體循環靜脈回流異常,體靜脈回流異常 - anomalies of systemic venous return

n.體循環鬱血 - congestion of systemic circulation

n.瀰漫系統性硬化 - diffuse systemic sclerosis

n.體循環功能曲線 - functional curve of systemic circulation

n.體循環平均壓 - mean pressure of systemic circulation

被動全身過敏反應 - passive systemic anaphylaxis

n.進行性全身性硬皮病 - progressive systemic scleroderma

n.進行性全身性硬化,進行性週身硬化症 - progressive systemic sclerosis

脊髓系統疾病 - spinal systemic disease

n.體循環血管總阻力 - total systemic vascular resistance

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