





v. call back ,cogitate ,conceive ,guess


v. blank out ,block ,draw a blank ,forget


think[θiŋk]vt. 想;認為;想起;想像;打算vi. 想;認為n. [口]想;想法adj. [俚]思想的


think 思考;想;想,思考;思維;think of 考慮,關心;想起;想出,提出;想起,記得;think up 想出;發明;設計出;想出,編造;think out 想出;徹底地想一想;想出,熟思;徹底思考;think back 回想;回想往事;回想過去已經發生的事;


1.Think happy thoughts and you'll feel better. 想些開心事兒,你就會感到舒服一些。

2.What do you think of the life? 你們認為的人生是如何的呢。

3.Do you think I really need it? 你認為我的確需要做體檢嗎?


I'll think about it and call you back soon, OK? - 我考慮一下,回頭我盡快打電話給你,好嗎?

That's fine. I think I can wait till then. - 好的,我想我可以等到那時候。

I think all the products are going to sell very well. - 我相信這批貨一定會賣得很好。

Well, I don't think it's anything serious. - 嗯,我想沒有什麼嚴重的。

That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call you back to make reservations. - 聽起來價錢還算公道。讓我考慮一下,我會再打電話預定。

I don't think this is my meal. - 我想這不是我點的。

What do you think about your qualifications? - 你認為你能勝任工作嗎?

What do you think you would bring the job? - 你認為你將能為這份工作帶來什麼?

I think it would be building team spirit among my co-workers. - 我認為就是我在同事間建立了團隊精神。

Do you think you can make yourself understood in English? - 你認為你能用英文表達你的想法嗎?

Yes, I think I can in ordinary circumstances. - 是的,一般情況下,我沒有問題。

I think I'm quite proficient in both written and spoken English. - 我認為我在英語讀寫方面相當熟練。

What kind of personality do you think you have? - 你認為你具有哪種性格?

Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? - 你認為你性格內向還是外向?

What kind of person do you think you are? - 你覺得你是那種人?

I'm inclined to think independently. - 我喜歡獨立思考問題。

I think I'm a cooperative worker. - 我認為我具有合作精神。

I think I am rather outgoing. I enjoy working with others. But sometimes I'll be alone. - 我想我較外向。喜歡和人合作,有時也想獨處。

I think I am very good at planning. - 我認為我最擅長計劃。

When I think something is right, I will stick to that. - 若我認為某件事是對的,我會堅持到底。

What makes you think you are qualified for this position? - 是什麼使你認為你有資格做這個職位?

Do you think you are over-qualified, then? - 那你認為你資歷過高了?

No, I think I am an excellent match for this job. - 不,我認為我恰好適合這個職位。

I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship. - 我認為那將是對雙方都有利的關係。

I think you'll find I'm worth it. - 我想你會發現我值得拿那些錢。

Yes, I think so. - 對,我想是的。

I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world. - 我非常喜歡中國飯菜,並且我認為中國的烹飪是世界上最好的。

I think your food is very tasty, too. - 我想你們的飯菜也是非常可口的。

I think something he can use is the best. A watch or something. - 最好是實用的,像手錶啦或什麼的。

How do you think about it? - 你認為怎麼樣?

OK. Your offer si 5%. I think you have yourself of a deal. - 好的,你們降價5%,我們就這樣說定了。

We think all the terms should meet with common agreement. - 我們認為,所有的條款都應當取得一致意見。

Well, I have a proposition for you. I think you know our company. This is my card. - 我給你提個建議。我想先請您瞭解一下我們公司。名片。

What do you think about the shipment? - 你對貨運是怎麼考慮的?

Yes, I think that's what we stipulated. - 對呀,我想那是我們所訂定的。

What do you think of the terms of payment? - 關於付款條件你們有什麼意見?

What do you think of life in Beijing? - 您覺得北京的生活怎麼樣?

I think you'll be just fine. - 我想你是沒問題了。

I think I'll have a couple of slices of vegetarian pizza. - 我想我要幾塊素比薩餅。

I think I see some fish right under us, Dad. - 爸爸, 我想我看見一些魚就在我們下方的水 。

What do you think of the spaceship? - 你覺得那個太空船怎麼樣?

I think the kids'll love it. - 我覺得孩子們會喜歡。

I think it's time for the wedding to begin. - 我想是婚禮可以開始的時候了。

I think it will let up in a little while. - 我想馬上就會停的。

Jack Wang? No, I don't think I know him. - 傑克王?我想我不認識。

I think yours is a well-known advertising company. - 我認為你們公司是一個著名的廣告公司。

Well, when do you think you can come over to work? - 你想什麼時候開始工作呢?

People who don't smoke think that cigarettes stink. - 不吸煙的人認為煙的味道很差。

I think that's a great idea. - 我覺得這個主意真不錯。

I don't think we should see each other any more. - 我覺得以後咱們還是別再見面了。


n.引導病人進行思考 - invite th patent to think


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