TOB[təub]abbr. 股票公開收購(Takeover Bid);起飛助推器(Take-Off Boost);技術操作委員會(Technical Operations Board)
TOB 株式公開買付;公開股票收購;股票公開收購;妥布黴素;Tob Ruler 表格定位標尺;TOB takeover bid 股票上市;Marlboro filter cigarettes tob 過濾器香煙圖片;TOB Takeoff Boost 起飛助推,起飛加速;
1.Bruce Eckel : Have you come up with any interesting thoughts about ways tob enforce semantic contracts? 對於如何強化語義契約,你有什麼讓大家感興趣的看法?
2.However, writing songs, duets and gifts are tatics that cannot be over-used, so his tricks have changed tob-ball playing stunts. 寫歌、合唱、送禮這些招數不能一直重複使用,最近周董追女孩的招數改為打球。
3.So Jephthah fled from his brothers and lived in the land of Tob; and worthless fellows gathered themselves about Jephthah, and they went out with him. 基列的長老回答耶弗他、說、現在我們到你這裡來、是要你同我們去、與亞捫人爭戰.你可以作基列一切居民的領袖。