frondose['frɔndəus]adj. [植]多葉的;葉狀的;生葉狀體的
frondose 多葉的;生葉狀體的;有寬大葉的外表有寬平大葉似的構造;frondose idiographic material 具體的;foliose frondose leafy leavy 多葉的;
1.At the same time, with institution reform , human resource mechanism desigm, come into being frondose, executable scheme . and validated in the practise. 形成新的工作流程,輔之以機構重組、人力資源及激勵機制設計,形成具體的、具有可執行性的方案,並在實踐中得到一定的驗證。
2.Frondose analyse, not only because the clerical staff had made progresses, but also because peoples' information was not enough. So they could not go to court. 具體分析,除了行政人員執法水平有所提高外,就是公眾手裡掌握的信息不夠,很難起訴。
3.In the third part, it describes five common characters of duties: sociality, inequality, special functions, special realizing processes, special frondose forms. 第三部分概括了經濟法責任的具體特徵,並詳細論述了其社會性、不對等性、功能特殊性、追究程序特殊性以及責任形式特殊性。