Janet Carmichael 卡麥可;Janet Congo 康珍納;Janet Jackson exposes her breast 歷史上的今天:珍妮·傑克遜露乳;Janet 珍妮特 希伯來,法國 少女,上帝的恩賜;謝怡芬;馬詩慧;珍妮特;Janet Jackson 珍妮·傑克遜;珍妮-傑克遜;珍娜傑克森;傑克遜;
1.Janet Jackson's new song is getting lots of airplay. 珍妮
2.I went to the clinic Janet recommended today. 我今天去了珍娜推薦的減肥診所。
3.Janet reversed the car into the garage. 珍妮特將車子倒回到車庫裡。
4.Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids. 馬克、珍妮特孩子們,謹呈最誠摯祝福。
5.Dan steps on the gas, leaving the scene, and Janet, behind. 丹踩下油門,離開了現場,並沒能夠珍妮特。
The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware of where she had gone. - 參加聚會的人們都為珍妮物擔心,因為沒人知道她去哪裡了。