Burt Lancaster 伯特·蘭卡斯特;畢蘭加士打;畢蘭卡斯特;畢·蘭卡斯特;Lancaster 蘭嘉絲汀;蘭開斯特;蘭卡斯特;斯特;Burt Lancaster 伯特·蘭卡斯特;畢蘭加士打;畢蘭卡斯特;畢·蘭卡斯特;Neal Lancaster 蘭喀斯特;蘭卡斯特;蘭開斯特;涅-藍開斯特;Lancaster cloth 蘭開斯特油布;
1.After this the church became the Parish Church of Lancaster with the right to appoint the vicar in the hands of Abbess of Syon. 後來這所教堂成為蘭卡斯特的教區教堂,有權任命西恩大教堂下屬的教區牧師。
2.I am currently studying Sports Journalism at Lancaster University. 我目前在蘭卡斯特大學學習體育新聞學。
3.By this time a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. 到了那個時候,狀況良好的蘭開斯特轟炸機實屬罕見,值得搶救。
4.During the evening of 7 July, some 467 Lancaster and Halifax heavy bombers dumped 2540 tonnes (2500 tons) of bombs on the city in a raid that turned much of it into rubble. 在7月7日夜,大約467架蘭開斯特和哈利法克斯重型轟炸機向城市投擲了2540噸(2500噸)炸彈,把城市炸成了一片廢墟。
5.Lancaster University has been ranked as the top University in the North West by The Times Good University Guide 200
8. 《泰晤士報》2008優秀大學排行榜中,蘭卡斯特大學排名西北地區大學第一。
In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, - 1963年,一架蘭開斯特轟炸機在瓦立斯島毀。
By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. - 到了那個時候,狀況良好的蘭開斯特轟炸機實屬罕見,值得搶救。