otecabbr. 海洋熱能轉換系統(Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion)
OTEC 海洋熱能轉換;ocean thermal energy conversion;Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion;海洋熱能轉換技術;OTEC Prazisions finish GmbH 卓的震桶拋光機引進借鑒德國歐泰克公司;Out-otec 芬蘭奧圖泰;
1.Japan's Saga University and the Republic of Palau will cooperate(6)to build one of the first working Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion(7) (OTEC) plants. 日本的佐賀大學和帛琉共和國,即將合作建造一座少數真正能運作的海洋熱能轉換(OTEC)發電廠。
2.TheOTEC system can generate electricity, fresh water etc… This paper studies and develops the turbine in OTEC experiment system of generating electricity. 本文對海洋溫差發電試驗系統中的透平進行了研究與開發。
3.In this paper, the principles, development status quo and tendency of ocean thermal energy conversion(OTEC), wave and tidal current power generation in the world are described briefly. 最近幾年,世界各國積極開發這種新能源並取得很大的進展,在此,簡要介紹了當今世界海洋溫差發電、波浪發電和潮汐潮流發電的原理,開發現狀和展望。