





n. allowance ,leeway ,margin ,permissiveness


n. intolerance ,restrictiveness ,unpermissiveness


tolerance['tɔlərəns]n. 公差;寬容;容忍;公差


tolerance 公差;工差;拋位, 寬鬆量;耐受性;drug tolerance 耐藥性;藥物耐受性;釋義:藥物耐受性,耐藥性;dimensional tolerance 尺寸公差;尺度耐受;釋義:尺寸公差;容許尺寸誤差;tolerance grade 公差等級;frequency tolerance 頻率容差;頻率容隙;容許頻偏,頻率容限;頻差容限;


1.Turn the volume down, please. I have little tolerance for noise. 請把音量關小,我對噪音的忍耐力是有限的。

2.Measure (the rotor) to see whether its diameter is within tolerance or not. 測量(轉子),看它的直徑是否在公差允許範圍之內。

3.Because they rule through fear and intimidation, no true Shadow Lord would show sympathy or tolerance for the weak. 因為他們用恐怖和脅迫來統治,真正的陰影議員不會軟弱地顯示出同情與寬容。


In ordinary living, there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality. - 在日常生活中人們可以容忍一定程度的不準時。


lactose tolerance test - 乳糖耐量驗試

n. tolerance of product - 產品公差

leucine tolerance test - 亮氨酸耐量試驗

human tolerance flux - 人體耐受輻射通量

galactose tolerance test - 半乳糖耐量試驗

tolerance dose - 半數耐受量

oral glucose tolerance test - 口服葡萄糖耐量試驗

cortisone-primed oralglucose tolerance test - 可的松-葡萄糖耐量試驗

cortisone-primed oral glucose tolerance test - 可的松葡萄糖口服耐量試驗

cortisone glucose tolerance test; cortisone-glucose tolerance test - 可的松葡萄糖耐量試驗

organ tolerance dose; otd - 器官耐受量

exton-roses glucose tolerance test - 埃-羅二氏葡萄糖耐量試驗

mean tolerance limit - 平均耐藥量

abnormal glucose tolerance test - 異常葡萄糖耐量試驗

maximum tolerance dose - 最大耐受量

n. tolerance of thickness - 板厚公差

tolerance to climate - 氣候耐受性

prednitolone glucose tolerance test - 氫化潑尼松葡萄糖耐量試驗

amino-acid tolerance test - 氨基酸耐量試驗

oxygen tolerance test - 氧彌感試驗

ammonium chloride tolerance test - 氯化銨耐量試驗

tolbutamide tolerance test - 甲磺丁尿耐量試驗

iodine tolerance test - 碘耐量試驗

alkali tolerance test - 鹼耐量試驗

sugar tolerance curve - 糖耐量曲線

carbohydrate tolerance test - 糖耐量試驗

vitamin tolerance test - 維生素耐量試驗

hypoxia tolerance test - 缺氧耐力試驗

tolerance chimera - 耐受性嵌合體

pain tolerance threshold - 耐受閾

tolerance dose - 耐容量

vibration tolerance curve - 耐振曲線

tolerance to heat - 耐暑

glucose tolerance curve; sugar tolerance curve - 耐糖曲線

dosis tolerata; tolerance dose - 耐量

tolerance test - 耐量試驗

insulin tolerance test - 胰島素耐量試驗

natural tolerance to drugs - 自然耐藥性

glucose tolerance curve - 葡萄糖耐量曲線

dextrose tolerance test; glucosetolerancetest; gtt; sugar drink test - 葡萄糖耐量試驗

plasma glucose tolerance rate - 血漿葡萄糖耐量率

exercise tolerance test; loading test - 負荷試驗

exercise tolerance test - 運動負荷實驗

calcium tolerance test; catt - 鈣耐量試驗

potassium tolerance test - 鉀耐量試驗

aspirin tolerance test - 阿司匹林耐量試驗

intravenous glucose tolerance test - 靜脈內葡萄糖耐量試驗

intravenous tolbutamide tolerance test - 靜脈甲磺丁尿耐量試驗

tolerance to high altitude - 高原耐性


n.異常葡萄糖耐量試驗 - abnormal glucose tolerance test

n.加速度耐力 - acceleration tolerance

n.耐酸性 - acid tolerance

n.獲得性免疫耐受性 - acquired immunologic tolerance

獲得性面授,獲得性耐受 - acquired tolerance

n.適應耐受性 - adaptation tolerance

n.繼承性耐受性 - adoptive tolerance

n.耐鹼性 - alkali tolerance

n.鹼耐量試驗 - alkali tolerance test

n.高空耐力 - altitude tolerance

n.氨基酸耐量試驗 - amino-acid tolerance test

n.氯化銨耐量試驗 - ammonium chloride tolerance test

n.阿司匹林耐量試驗 - aspirin tolerance test

n.鈣耐量試驗 - calcium tolerance test

n.糖耐量試驗 - carbohydrate tolerance test

慢性忍耐 - chronic tolerance

n.寒冷耐性,耐寒性 - cold tolerance

n.可的松葡萄糖耐量試驗 - cortisone glucose tolerance test

n.可的松葡萄糖耐量試驗 - cortisone-glucose tolerance test

n.可的松葡萄糖口服耐量試驗 - cortisone-primed oral glucose tolerance test

n.可的松-葡萄糖耐量試驗 - cortisone-primed oralglucose tolerance test

n.交叉耐藥性 - cross tolerance

n.交叉耐受性 - crossed tolerance

n.葡萄糖耐量試驗 - dextrose tolerance test

藥物耐受性,藥物耐受 - drug tolerance

n.提高機體的適應性和耐受性 - enhance adaptability and tolerance

運動耐力 - exercise tolerance capacity

n.負荷試驗,運動負荷實驗 - exercise tolerance test

n.埃-羅二氏葡萄糖耐量試驗 - exton-roses glucose tolerance test

fault tolerance - fault tolerance

n.食管耐量 - food tolerance

果糖耐量試驗 - fructose tolerance test

挫敗容忍,挫敗耐性 - frustration tolerance

n.半乳糖耐量試驗 - galactose tolerance test

遺傳耐量 - genetic tolerance dose

葡萄糖胰島素耐量試驗 - glucose insulin tolerance test

葡萄糖耐量,糖耐受性 - glucose tolerance

n.耐糖曲線,葡萄糖耐量曲線 - glucose tolerance curve

糖耐量試驗,葡萄糖耐量試驗 - glucose tolerance test

n.熱耐受性 - heat tolerance

大劑量耐受 - high dose tolerance

高域耐受,高區帶耐受性 - high zone tolerance

n.人體耐受輻射通量 - human tolerance flux

n.缺氧耐力試驗 - hypoxia tolerance test

免疫耐受 - immune tolerance

n.免疫耐受性 - immunologic tolerance

n.免疫耐受性 - immunological tolerance

傳染性耐受力,感染耐授 - infectious tolerance

n.個體耐受性 - individual tolerance

誘導耐受 - induced tolerance


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