Zeissn. 蔡司透鏡
Zeiss 德國蔡司;蔡司望遠鏡;卡爾·蔡司;卡爾蔡司;Zeiss Ikon 蔡司依康;蔡司·伊康;蔡司伊康;蔡斯·伊康;Zeiss lens 蔡斯透鏡;Zeiss Gruppe 蔡司集團;Carl Zeiss 卡爾蔡司;卡爾·蔡司;卡爾蔡斯;卡爾·蔡斯;
1.As diplomatic relations between East and West were closing, both Zeiss companies sought out new sources. 隨著東西兩德外交關係的終結,東西兩家蔡司公司也開始自尋出路了。
2.In 1935, Carl Zeiss followed with another breakthrough invention that opened up new possibilities for brilliant imaging: This anti-reflex coating is denoted by the symbol T* on today's lenses. 1935年,卡爾蔡司又一次有突破性的發明令其在追求優質影像之路上開了一扇新門——這就是今天鏡頭上標著T*標識的防反射鍍膜的應用。
3.The occasional similarity of appearance, of design, and the interchange ability of Zeiss Jena and Oberkochen components such as components for microscopes, and cameras was more than by accident. 東西德兩家蔡司公司的顯微鏡產品,在外觀、設計和零件互換性上出現了雷同,而相機方面的相似則純屬偶然。