AILY 供應雅麗化妝盒;Ladies aily 日報;
1.Daily consume helps to clear away heat, detoxifying purging lung and dissolving phlegm. 心得日常飲用止咳化痰,清熱潤肺。
2.This home made pottery workshop was run by the couple Mr. and Mrs Umair Aily which mainly making flowerpots and products for daily usage. 在新疆喀什市歷史悠久的老城區-高台民居,吾買爾艾力夫妻合作的手工土陶製作坊,主要製作花盆與日用品。
3.Daily removal of construction site debris (useless materials and garbage) and daily removal (sweeping) of dirt / refuse / packaging materials from all structures. 每天清除工地建築垃圾(無用的材料和垃圾)和每天清除(大掃除)垃圾/廢物/包裝材料。