Osirisn. 司陰府之神,地獄判官(埃及神話人物名)
Osiris 奧西裡斯;歐西裡斯;俄賽裡斯;塞裡斯;Osiris Hotel 奧塞瑞斯酒店;Banda Osiris 班達-奧斯利斯;Osiris Song 另類搖滾;Osiris Ibiza Hotel 奧塞雷斯伊比沙島酒店;
1.The ancient Egyptian god of the sun, son of Osiris and Isis, represented as having the head of a hawk. 霍魯斯古代埃及的太陽神,歐塞利斯和艾西斯(司豐饒的女神)之子,被描繪成長著鷹的頭。
2.But the researchers speculate the hellish rate of evaporation might completely scour all gas off smaller hot Jupiters or those closer to their stars than Osiris. 不過,研究者忖度著,對於那些更小型、或比歐西裡斯更靠近其恆星的熱木星型行星,那如地獄般猛烈的蒸發率很可能就會把它們身上的氣體剝除得一乾二淨。
3.It is an appropriation by early Christians of a day on which the birth of several pagan gods, Osiris, Jupiter, and Plutus, or the ancient deified leader Nimrod, was celebrated. 早期基督徒是挪用了好幾位異教神的出生日子作為聖誕慶祝:歐西裡斯、朱庇特和普路托斯,或者是遠古時候被神化了的狩獵帶領者。