Pilate 彼拉多;普拉提;皮拉提;中東;Before Pilate 送到比拉多面前;Pontius Pilate 本丟彼拉多;Pilate Reformer 波拉蒂改革器;Phellinus baumii Pilate 鮑姆木層孔菌;
1.Herod and his soldiers treated him contemptuously and mocked him, and after clothing him in resplendent garb, he sent him back to Pilate. 黑落德及自己的待衛鄙視他,戲笑他,並給他穿上華麗的長袍,把他解回比拉多那裡。
2.On the basis of analyzing the petrologic characteristics of Triassic reservoir in pilate area, Talim u basin, the potential factors of formation damage are discussed. 本文在分析塔里木盆地吉拉吉地區三疊系儲層岩石學特徵的基礎上,探討了潛在的地層損害因素。
3.I decided that Pontius Pilate was a typical grade-two thinker. 我判定本丟。彼拉多就是典型的第二等級思考者。
4.Pilate said to them, You take Him and crucify Him, for I do not find fault in Him. 彼拉多說,你們自己把祂帶去釘十字架吧,因為我查不出祂有什麼該定罪的。
5.Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? 彼拉多就對他說,他們作見證,告你這麼多的事,你沒有聽見嗎?