





reference wind load-wind reference pressure 基本風壓;Blank detail specification for volt age regulator diodes and voltage reference diodes excluding temperature compensated precision reference diodes 電壓調整和電壓基準二極管 (包括溫度補嘗精密基準二極管) 空白詳細規範 (可供認證用);電壓調整和電壓基準二極管 (包括溫度補嘗精密基準二極管) 空白具體規範 (可供認證用);reference wind load-wind reference pressure 基本風壓;REFERENCE Reference number 參文條目;Knock test reference fuels - Reference fuel grade toluene 爆震試驗參比燃料 參比燃料級甲苯;


1.Newton's first law generally set up as the inertial reference frame of reference, so this law in practice, the definition of inertial reference frame of this important concept. 通常把牛頓第一定律成立的參照系成為慣性參照系,因此這一定律在實際上定義了慣性參照系這一重要概念。

2.All OSG scene graph nodes are reference counted, and when their reference count is decremented to zero, the object deletes itself. 所有的OSG場景圖節點被引用計數,並且當其應用計數減少到零時,對像會刪除自身。

3.Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Part 1: reference concrete and reference mortar for testing. 混凝土添加劑。磚石和灰漿。試驗方法。第1部分:試驗用基準混凝土和混凝灰漿。

4.Reference SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance) biosensor is a new sensor which can monitor reference and reaction spots in a single flow cell at same time. 參比型SPR生物傳感器是一種可以在單通道內實現對檢測、參比兩個位點同時檢測的新型SPR分析系統。

5.In this paper circular uncoded targets and coded targets are used as reference points, and an algorithm of automatic reference point detection is proposed. 文中採用圓形目標及編碼元素作為標記點,並提出一種標記點自動檢測算法。


there is always something to do in connection with it, from finding the right place for the latest addition, to verifying facts in reference books. - 從為新增添的收藏品尋找擺放位置到核對參考書中的事實,總歸有事可做。

his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. - 人們關於真與偽的概念依然和特定的傳統風俗有關。


triaxial reference system - 三軸參照系

internal reference electrode - 內參比電極

internal reference line - 內參比線

reference frame - 參考系

n. reference defect - 參考缺陷

reference reagent - 參考試劑

reference cell - 參考試池

reference scale - 參比刻度

reference peak location - 參比峰位

reference beam - 參比束

comparison column; reference column - 參比柱

reference standard - 參比標準

reference cell - 參比池

reference voltage; n. reference voltage - 參比電壓

reference electrode; n. reference electrode - 參比電極

reference system - 參比系統

reference line - 參比線

reference chromatogram - 參比色譜圖

reference protein; referenceprotein - 參比蛋白

reference sample - 參比試樣

reference man - 參考人

n. reference beam - 參考光束

reference preparation - 參考製品

reference reaction - 參考反應

reference index - 參考指標

reference standard - 參考標準

reference mark - 參考標記

reference gas; referencegas - 參考氣體

reference level - 參考水平

reference solution - 參考溶液

reference substance - 參考物

reference electrode; n. reference electrode - 參考電極

fixed reference lung model - 固定參考肺模型

international reference preparation - 國際參考製品

international reference preparation - 國際參考標準品

n. reference beam - 基準光束

reference element - 基底電壓源

reference element technique - 基底電壓源技術

n. external reference coil - 外部引用線圈

reference standard - 對照準標

reference intensity - 對照強度

reference electrode - 對照電極

reference protein; referenceprotein - 對照蛋白

venereal disease reference test - 性病關聯試驗

standard reference material; n. standard reference material - 標準參考物質

n. external reference coil - 標準比較線圈

reference gas; referencegas - 標準氣

n. reference test pieces - 校準用塊規

calomel reference electrode - 甘汞參考電極

reference arm - 電橋參比臂


n.甘汞參考電極 - calomel reference electrode

n.關係妄想 - delusion of reference

等位關聯繫統 - equipotential reference system

n.固定參考肺模型 - fixed reference lung model

n.牽連觀念 - idea of reference

n.內參比電極 - internal reference electrode

n.內參比線 - internal reference line

n.國際參考標準品,國際參考製品 - international reference preparation

基準平面,參考平面 - planes of reference

n.標準參考物質 - standard reference material

n.類固醇有關物質 - steroid reference substance

n.三軸參照系 - triaxial reference system

n.性病關聯試驗 - venereal disease reference test

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