acquires[ə'kwaiə]vt. 獲得;取得;學到;捕獲
acquires shining purity 得明淨;Acquires an item 得到一個物品 物品已在物品欄中;General Motors acquires the Chevrolet 歷史上的今天:通用收購雪佛蘭;where an enterprise holds or acquires the shares or capital contributions of another enterprise to an extent of morethan one- third of the total voting shares or total capital of such other enterprise 二持有或取得他事業之股份或出資額,達到他事業有表決權股份或資本總額三分之一以上者。;
1.to acquire learning 學到知識(或:獲得學問)
2.He does what every man should do, but because of his understanding, what he does acquires new significance. 他做每個人應該做的事,但是由於他的覺解,他做的事獲得了新的意義。
3.Meanwhile, it raises the production efficiency and acquires a good economic benefit because of improving the work procedures. 同時,由於這項技術優化了作業程序,提高了生產效率,取得了很好的經濟效益;