self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;amour-propre pride self-esteem self-importance self-pride self-respect self-worth 自尊;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;self-sacrifice self-abnegation self-devotion self-immolation self-renunciation 自我犧牲;
1.A shadow momentarily dimmed the blue eyes, but he smiled, pitying her. 藍眼睛裡一瞬間出現了一片陰雲,但他馬上就笑了,他很憐憫她。
2.This kind-hearted girl, pitying the misery of Toad, said to her father one day, 'Father! 這位好心的姑娘很同情蟾蜍的悲慘處境。有一天,她對父親說:「爹!
3.How thoughtless to waste the irreplaceable hours reviewing insignificant incidents, bearing a grudge or pitying oneself! 把一去不回的時間浪費在回顧微不足道的事,懷恨或自憐之上,這樣的做法是多麼欠思慮啊!
4.There was the pitying chuckle that bubbled in my throat when I watched a fat duck waddle across the back yard. 當看到一隻胖胖的鴨子搖搖擺擺地穿過後院時,我在喉嚨裡咕嚕出憐惜的暗笑。
5.Psychological self, social self, self-criticism, family-self and self-satisfaction can predict mental health problems. 心理自我、社會自我、自我批評、家庭自我、自我滿意對心理健康問題有顯著的預測作用。