whale calf whale-calf whalecalf 幼鯨;whale calf whale-calf whalecalf 幼鯨;whale calf whale-calf whalecalf 幼鯨;calf 小牛, 牛犢;小腿肚;牛皮;小牛;cloned calf 克隆牛;
1.Deoxyribonucleic acid (calf thymus); Calf thymus DNA pyrolyzate; deoxyribonucleic acid from calf thymus; 名稱 脫氧核糖核酸(由小牛胸腺提取);
2.Hip–Thigh leg–calf are in smooth shape. I feel the"Plentiful" hip is a better design to the body wear the pants, the narrow calf also the best design for the laced boots. 臀部-大腿-小腿的線條流暢,特別是[豐滿]的臀部可以把褲子的線條展現得更好,大家請留意「修長」的小腿,這樣的設定使穿上靴子後也會有個良好的靴型。
3.The man, who was not identified, was treated onboard his charter boat for a deep cut to his calf muscle before being airlifted by helicopter to a hospital in the northern city of Cairns. 這個男子的身份沒有被確認,他在被直升機空運至北部的凱恩斯城醫院前,先在租來的船上對小腿肌肉很深的傷口進行了緊急救治。
4.The contacts between the calves and the cows concentrated on the anus region (4
8. 8%) and head region (2
5. 5%) of the calf. 母幼間的主要接觸方式是嗅和舔,母羚對幼仔的接觸主要集中於肛區(48。8%)和頭部(25。5%)。
5.One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane. 有條小海豚特別喜歡用鼻部把一隻海龜頂到水面,然後把它像滑水板一樣猛地推過池子。
One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane. - 一隻小海豚特別喜歡用鼻子把海龜推到水面,然後像滑水板一樣把海龜從水池的這一邊推到那一邊。
fetal calf serum - 胎牛血清
calf circumference - 腿圍
n.胎牛血清 - fetal calf serum
n.小腿轉筋 - spasm of calf
n.小腿三頭肌 - triceps muscle of calf