confiscatory[kən'fiskətəri]adj. 充公的;沒收的;徵用的
confiscatory 沒收的;沒收性的, 充公似的;充公的;confiscatory taxation 沒收性賦稅;充公賦稅;confiscatory decree 沒收令;沒收法令;confiscatory tax treatment 徵稅工作中的沒收處理;fine and confiscatory revenue 罰沒收入;
1.Fearing a taxpayers' revolt, the legislature passed a less confiscatory revenue bill. 由於擔心納稅人的反對,立法機關通過了一項有利於私人收入的法案。
2.A case from the same era called for denovo review of whether a rate setting order was confiscatory. 同一年代的一個案件要求重新審查某一確定價格的命令是否應當收日。
3.It's possible that plutocrats are expressing solidarity with the struggling middle class as part of an effort to insulate themselves from confiscatory tax policies. 有錢有勢的人與苦苦掙扎的中產階級 表示團結 以使他們 遠離 沒收性的稅收政策。