n. geodesic linea. geodesical ,geodetic
geodesicsn. 測地線(geodesic的複數)
geodesics 測地線;pan geodesics 泛短程線;The geometry of geodesics 測地線的幾何;parameter family of geodesics 單參數測地線族;The variational theory of geodesics 測地線的變分理論;
1.Now about those curves: Objects try to follow special curves called geodesics that are as straight as possible given that spacetime itself is curved. 現在我們再來談論那些時空的彎曲。物體在運動時會試圖沿著被稱為測地線的曲線運動,這些曲線就是在捲曲的時空裡的盡可能直的線。
2.Because arc length of trajectory is regarded as the variant in geodesics based method, it possesses the advantages of non-time based trajectory planning at the same time. 本文的基於測地線的軌跡規劃是以軌跡弧長作為參考變量的,因此它還具有非時間參考的機器人軌跡規劃的優點。
3.Firstly, there are two types of winding patterns for toroidal vessel: spiral winding along toroidal vessel geodesics and analogous sine placement along the external surface of toroidal vessel. 首先,環形容器纏繞線型主要有兩種類型:沿穩定測地線的螺旋纏繞和類似正弦外包羅鋪放。