asshurn. 阿舒爾(男子名);阿舒爾(亞述宗教的主神和戰神);阿舒爾(亞述原首都)
Asshur 亞述;Asshur shall not save us 我們不向亞述求救.不騎埃及的馬.也不再對我們手所造的說、你是我們的 神、因為孤兒在你耶和華那The king of Asshur paid heed to him and went to attack Damascus 亞述王遂聽從了他的要求,立即前去進攻大馬士革,佔領了那城,將那裡的居民擄往克爾,殺了勒斤。;Menahem exacted the money from all the wealthy and prominent people of Israel to give to the king of Asshur 默納恆向以色列所有富豪徵收銀子,每人應繳納五十『協刻耳』,為進獻給亞述王。亞述王於是回去了,沒有在境內停留。;
1.The United Nations declared Asshur a World Heritage Site. 聯合國宣告亞述是一個世界遺產遺址。
2.Haran, Canneh, Eden, the traders of Sheba, Asshur and Chilmad traded with you. 哈蘭人,干尼人,伊甸傷,示巴的商人,和亞述人,基抹人與你交易。
3.Haran, Canneh and Eden and merchants of Sheba, Asshur and Kilmad traded with you. 哈蘭人,干尼人,伊甸傷,示巴的商人,和亞述人,基抹人與你交易。