v. abhor ,abominate ,accurse ,comminate
execrate['eksikreit]vt. 詛咒;憎惡;痛罵vi. 詛咒
execrate 咒罵;痛罵;憎惡;憎惡,咒罵;clapperclaw execrate inveigh lashing rake over row 痛罵;anathema commination curse cuss damn drat execrate imprecate malison tarnation 詛咒;abomination be abhorrent of despite detest enmity execrate hate hatred 憎恨;
1.She execrated all who opposed her. 她咒罵所有反對她的人。
2.There is, in the synagogue, in the mosque, in the pagoda, in the wigwam, a hideous side which we execrate, a sublime side, which we adore. 聖殿、清真寺、菩薩廟、神捨,那些地方都有它醜惡的一面,是所唾棄的,也有它卓絕的一面,是所崇敬的。
3.There is, in the synagogue, in the mosque, in the pagoda, in the wigwam, a hideous side which we execrate, and a sublime side, which we adore. 聖殿、清真寺、菩薩廟、神捨,所有那些地方都有它醜惡的一面,是我們所唾棄的,同時也有它卓絕的一面,是我們所崇敬的。