harmel 肉葉芸香;駱駝蓬;駱駝蓬 肉葉芸香;駱駝蓬 肉葉芸香;
1.Harmel, whose wife is a doctor, specializes in images related to the health care industry. 他是一位自由攝影師,專門拍攝與保健相關的照片。他的妻子是一名醫生。
2.Menashe was interested in about four shots, so for Harmel, this could be a sale worth $600. 克勞蒂婭對四幅照片很感興趣,如果成交的話,馬克將會有 600 美金的收入。
3.Standing in their way was the Frundsberg Division of SS-Brigadefuhrer Heinz Harmel, reinforced by the pitiful remains of Max Wunsche's Hitlerjugend Panzer Regiment. 他們面對的是黨衛隊旅隊長海因茨哈爾梅爾的「弗倫德斯貝格」師,並且他們有馬克斯威施的「希特勒青年」師的裝甲團。