v. ritualize
ritualised['ritjuəlaiz, -tʃu-]vt. 使儀式化;使成慣例vi. 儀式化;成慣例(等於ritualize)
1.The entrance, ritualised by a great ramp which slowly descends below the ground, terminates in an image of the sky which opens just far enough to let us in. 一條長長的斜坡由地面緩緩下降,從那兒走下去,教堂後面的背景漸漸消失,只剩下無邊的天空。斜坡下去是教堂的入口,入口設置得剛好夠讓人們進入。
2.Those who did turn out rejected all measures except one that freezes legislators' pay during budget-deficit years—a ritualised form of venting general anger. 那些投了票的選民只贊成一項,即在預算赤字期間凍結議員工資——這成為一種發洩群體憤怒的渠道。
3.It has a tradition of self-killing, which in some forms, such as the ritualised seppuku ("belly-cutting") of the samurai, may still be deemed honourable, even noble. 日本有自殺的傳統。例如被看作是光榮高貴之舉的切腹儀式就是其中的一種自殺形式。