christianan. 克裡斯蒂安娜(女子名)
Christiana 克裡斯蒂安娜;克裡斯蒂娜;克裡斯蒂安娜(女);女徒;Christiana Tsai 蔡素娟;蔡蘇娟;David Christiana 克裡斯蒂安娜;Kevin Christiana 凱文克利斯提安納;Dessertatio de Libertate Christiana per autorem recog-nita 論基督徒的自由;
1.Not far from its shore stands the Akershus Castle, which is the ancient Oslo (Christiana) in garrison. 離其不遠的海岸矗立著阿克什胡斯城堡,那是古代奧斯陸(克裡斯蒂安娜)的海防要塞。
2.No wonder 'people are hesitant to get into this market, ' said Thomas Nyheim, vice president at Christiana Bank & Trust Co. in Wilmington, Del. 管理44億美元資產的特拉華州克裡斯蒂娜銀行與信託公司(ChristianaBank&TrustCo。)副總裁尼海姆(ThomasNyheim)表示,難怪民眾遲疑不願入市,我們看到的基本都是負面消息。
3.Angioplasty does offer a higher quality of life for months to a couple of years, said study leader Dr. William S. Weintraub, chief of cardiology at the Christiana Health Care System in Delaware. 特拉華州健康中心心臟病學的主任,威廉醫生說:血管成型術確實可以保障幾個月到幾年時間的較高質量的生活。