





erythrocyte antigen 紅細胞抗原;basophilic erythrocyte 釋義:嗜鹼性紅細胞;erythrocyte aldose reductase 釋義:紅細胞醛糖還原酶;achromic erythrocyte 釋義:無色紅細胞;diffusely basophilic erythrocyte 釋義:擴散性嗜鹼性紅細胞;


1.Pravastatin could greatly decrease low shear of blood specific viscosity, plasma viscosity, erythrocyte aggregation index, hematocrit and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (all P<0. 05). 治療後患者全血低切粘度、血漿粘度、紅細胞聚集指數、紅細胞壓積和血沉明顯下降(P<0。05)。

2.Eperythrozoon that attached to erythrocyte was purple red and blue brown, as gems adhered in erythrocyte with Wright and Giemas staining. 通過對血塗片進行瑞氏染色、姬姆薩染色,附在紅細胞上的附紅細胞體被染成紫紅色或藍褐色,如寶石一樣鑲嵌在紅細胞上。

3.Methods Erythrocyte activatory T were detected with peanut agglutinin, T poly-agglutination erythrocyte were detected with many serum of homo-blood donor. 方法採用花生凝集素檢測紅細胞T活化,用多個同型獻血者血清檢測紅細胞T多凝集。

4.Methods Erythrocyte activatory T were detected with peanut agglutinin, T poly-agglutination erythrocyte were detected with many serum of homo-blood donor. 方法採用花生凝集素檢測紅細胞T活化,用多個同型獻血者血清檢測紅細胞T多凝集。

5.9 patients' erythrocyte showed up T poly-agglutination reaction with many serum of homo-blood donor in 101 patients who erythrocyte showed up agglutination reaction with peanut agglutinin (

8. 9%). 101例紅細胞花生凝集素陽性中有9例患者紅細胞和多個同型獻血者血清出現T多凝集,占紅細胞花生凝集素陽性者8。9%。


human erythrocyte agglutination test - 人紅細胞凝集試驗

mean corpuscular diameter; median erythrocyte diameter - 平均紅細胞直徑

antipernicious anemia factor; apaf; erythrocyte maturetion factor; erythrocytematuretionfactor; vitamin b12; vitaminb12 - 抗惡性貧血因子

erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocytesedimentationrate; fahraeusreaction - 法利伍氏反應

erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocytesedimentationrate; sedimentation reaction; n. precipitation reaction - 沉降反應

free erythrocyte coproporphyrin - 游離紅細胞糞噗林

free erythrocyte protoporphyyrin - 紅細胞內游離原噗林

free erythrocyte coproporphyria - 紅細胞內游離糞噗林

erythrocyte life span; red blood cell life span - 紅細胞壽命

erythrocyte protoporphyrin - 紅細胞性原噗林

erythrocyte maturation factor; erythrocyte maturetion factor; erythrocytematuretionfactor; vitamin b12; vitaminb12 - 紅細胞成熟因子

erythrocyte antibody - 紅細胞抗體

erythrocyte index - 紅細胞指數

erythrocyte antibody complement - 紅細胞民抗體補體

erythrocyte sedimentation; erythrosedimentation - 紅細胞沉降

erythrocyte sedimentation reaction - 紅細胞沉降反應

blood sedimentation rate; bloodsedimentationrate; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; erythrocytesedimentationrate - 紅細胞沉降率

erythrocyte sedimentation test - 紅細胞沉降試驗

erythrocyte rosette - 紅細胞玫瑰花結

erythrocyte diluting fluid - 紅細胞稀釋液

erythrocyte coproporphyrin - 紅細胞糞噗林

erythrocyte fragility - 紅細胞脆性

erythrocyte autohemolysis test - 紅細胞自溶試驗

erythrocyte sensitizing substance - 紅細胞致敏物質

erythrocyte glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase - 紅細胞谷氨酸草酰乙酸轉氨酶

erythrocyte acid phosphatase - 紅細胞酸性磷酸酶

erythrocyte mosaicism - 紅細胞鑲嵌性

erythrocyte mass - 紅細胞集塊

erythrocyte glutathione reductase - 細細胞谷胱甘肽還原酶

sea; sheep erythrocyte agglutination - 綿羊紅細胞凝集反應

sheep erythrocyte receptor; sheep rbc receptor - 綿羊紅細胞受體

intravascular erythrocyte aggregation - 血管內紅細胞凝集

tanned sheep erythrocyte electrophoretic mobility - 鞣質羊紅細胞電冰泳動度


n.鹼粒凝聚紅細胞 - basophilic aggregation erythrocyte

n.嗜鹼性點彩紅細胞 - basophilic stippled erythrocyte

n.增殖週期內細胞的再分佈 - cells red cells.see erythrocyte

n.皺縮紅細胞 - crenated erythrocyte

n.二色紅細胞 - dichromatic erythrocyte

n.橢圓形紅細胞 - elliptical erythrocyte

n.紅細胞內游離糞噗林 - free erythrocyte coproporphyria

n.游離紅細胞糞噗林 - free erythrocyte coproporphyrin

游離口細胞原噗林 - free erythrocyte protoporphyrin

n.紅細胞內游離原噗林 - free erythrocyte protoporphyyrin

人紅血球 - human erythrocyte

n.人紅細胞凝集試驗 - human erythrocyte agglutination test

深染紅細胞 - hyperchromic erythrocyte

低色素性紅細胞 - hypochromic erythrocyte

n.血管內紅細胞凝集 - intravascular erythrocyte aggregation

n.平均紅細胞直徑 - median erythrocyte diameter

n.小紅細胞 - micro erythrocyte

n.有核紅細胞 - nucleated erythrocyte

正染性紅細胞 - orthochromatic erythrocyte

多染性紅細胞 - polychromatic erythrocyte

多染性紅細胞 - polychromatophilic erythrocyte

致敏的紅細胞 - sensitized erythrocyte

n.綿羊紅細胞凝集反應 - sheep erythrocyte agglutination

n.綿羊紅細胞受體 - sheep erythrocyte receptor

n.鞣質羊紅細胞電冰泳動度 - tanned sheep erythrocyte electrophoretic mobility

n.靶形紅細胞 - target erythrocyte

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