gangues[ɡæŋ]n. [礦]脈石
1.The foreground for the research on the resources utilizations of coal gangues is very great. 變廢為寶 ,開展煤矸石資源化利用研究前景廣闊。
2.Coal gangue is one of the most industrial gangues in China. It destroys the eco-environment and is disadvantageous to the sustainable development of economy. 煤矸石是我國排放量最大的工業廢渣之一,破壞生態環境,不利於可持續發展。
3.The article analyzed the actuality, value and availability of these gangues, which conduces to develop the comprehensive utilization in ferrous metal industry. At the same time, it has a… 分析了我國黑色金屬礦尾礦現狀及其價值和可利用性,有助於推動我國黑色金屬礦尾礦、冶煉渣資源綜合利用工作的開展,對治理生態環境有重要的意義。