





n. base ,point of view ,rack ,standstillv. abide ,place upright ,remain firm ,stand up


v. lie ,relent ,sit ,soften


stand[stænd]vi. 站立;位於;停滯vt. 使站立;忍受;抵抗n. 站立;立場;看台;停止


stand 立場,主張;台,座,支架;林分;植物群叢;stand fan 落地電扇;地扇;stand collar 領座;企領;立領,學生服領;Taxi Stand 計程 招呼站;出租汽車站;出租車候車處;出租車招呼站;Engine stand 發動機試驗台;發動機支架;發動機台;發動機,恐怖殭屍電影彈性學;


1.He could not stand when he reached the top of the hill. 爬上山頂之後,他都站不起來了。

2.Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green stand up. 紅色,黃色,藍色和綠色站起來。

3.Gold, Silver, Black, and White stand up. 金色,銀色,黑色和白色站起來。


Don't stand on ceremony, make yourself at home. - 別客氣,隨便吃。

I can barely stand up by the end of a hard day. - 辛苦了一天之後,我都站不起來了。

Now stand up, please. - 現在站起來。

I stand for everything Boswell doesn't. - 我代表Boswell所不贊成的那些立場。

Most people I meet have some English ability, but the ones who work hard at it really stand out from the crowd. - 我遇到的多數人都會點英語,但只有那些刻苦學習的人才鶴立雞群,給我深刻印象。

You don't have a leg to stand on. - 你的觀點不值一駁。

When people stand together, no one can stop them. - 當人們門到一起的時候,就沒有人可以阻止他們相互談論。

I feel sorry for the beggars, but I can't stand it when they teach their children how to beg. - 我很同情乞丐,但我真的看不慣他們教孩子怎麼樣行乞。

I can't stand the commercial breaks on TV. - 我忍受不了電視因為賣廣告而中斷節目。

I'll have to stand up and let the elderly lady have my seat. - 我得起來把座位讓給這個老婆婆。

You don't stand a chance of getting the job! - 你是沒有機會得到這個工作的。

Now that I have to stand up to introduce myself. - 我不得不站起來介紹一下我自己。

You can forget that! You don't stand a chance of getting the job. - 算了吧!你沒有機會得到那份工作的。

Don't stand in my way. - 不要妨礙我。

I can't stand summer weather. - 我不能承受夏天天氣。

We guarantee quality products which can stand fierce competition. - 我們保證提供能經得起激烈競爭的高質量產品。

We can't stand the summer weather. - 我們不能忍受夏天的天氣。

We've got to get a telepnone stand for the hallway. - 我們必須有一部電話放在走廊。

An empty bag cannot stand upright. - 空袋不能直立。

An empty sack cannot stand upright. - 空麻袋,立不直。

Friendship cannot stand always on one side. - 來而不往非禮也。

Let every tub stand on its own bottom. - 各人管各人自己。

Truth will stand without a prop. - 真理能樹,不靠支持。

How dare you stand me up! - 你竟敢放我鴿子!

Try and stand up.Can you stand up? - 試試站起來。你能站起來嗎?

I don't care where we go as long as we don't have to stand in line. - 不管去哪裡,只要不用站著排隊就行。

This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more. - 這是一個感人的場面,人們成群地佇立在海岸上,注視著燈籠遠去,直到再也看不見為止。

Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. - 公園裡、大樓和商店外豎立著的奇形怪狀的雕塑,

He is now satisfied merely to try to stand up, but as soon as he does so a porpoise knocks him flat. - 此時的海龜,只要能站起來就滿足了,但它剛站起來,就被一隻海豚擊倒。

The continents form rugged tablelands which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean. - 大陸是崎嶇不平的高地,高出遼闊海洋海底近三英里。

that it can hardly hope to stand up to a realistic evaluation. - 以致這種估價很難指望經受住現實的考驗。

like adolescents they stand before the mirror, - 猶如希臘神話中那位漂亮少年,

One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins. - 例如,有一種裝置是由一些長短、粗細不同的木棒組成;就像九柱戲的木棒一樣豎立著,

and in this I do not think that I stand alone. - 我也相信,出洋相者並非我一人。

They play it like this, six students stand in a row in front of the class. - 6個學生在全班前面站成一排。

This is a bus stop. The people are waiting for a bus. They are stand in line. - 這是一個公共汽車站。人們在等車。他們站成行。

First, I tell the actors where to stand and where to move. - 首先,我要告訴演員在劇中站立和移動的位置。

He was just able to lie down on the ground, but could not stand up. - 他只能躺在地上,但不能站起來。

Thus they lay on hard wooden boards, unable to stand up or move around. - 這樣,他們就躺在硬木板上,既不能站立起來,也不能活動。


stand with the fet shoulder-width apart - 兩腳分開與肩負同寬

n. stand type buffing unit - 台式拋光裝置

n. stand type buffing unit - 台式研磨機

stand with the fet shoulder-width apart - 站立

diastolic arrest; diastolic stand still - 舒張性停止

stand for transfusion - 輸液架


n.腹腔洗條台 - abdominal irrigating stand

n.可調實驗支架 - adjustable laboratory stand

n.自動胸片攝影架 - automatic chest-radiography stand

n.噴火管架 - blow pipe stand

n.滴定管架 - burette stand

n.胸部拍片架,胸部攝影架 - chest-radiography stand

n.比色架 - colorimetric stand

n.舒張性停止 - diastolic stand still

n.漏斗架 - funnel stand

n.水療操縱台 - hydrotherapy control stand

n.萬能支架 - imiversal stand

n.鐵支架 - iron stand

n.鏡座 - microscope stand

n.針座 - needle stand

n.攝片架 - photographic stand

n.吸管架 - pipette stand

n.鐵環架 - ring stand

n.可旋轉點眼瓶架 - rotary dropper bottle stand

n.採樣架 - sampling stand

n.染架 - staining stand

n.試管架 - test tube stand

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