topdressingn. 頂肥;(道路的)表面處治
topdressing 頂肥;表面處治;澆面 土面施肥 敷面 追肥 表面處理 表面處治 表施肥;施肥;post-earing topdressing 抽穗後追肥,後期追肥;topdressing to deeper layer 深層追肥;aerial topdressing of pasture 空中施肥;topdressing at the ripening stage 粒肥;
1.Tear off the rhetorical topdressing from his speech and you find there's very little solid content. 他的演講,剝去堆砌的華麗的詞藻,實實在在的內容很少。
2.The contents of nicotine and total sugar were increased with the increment of the topdressing proportion. 各處理烤後煙葉煙鹼、總糖含量有隨追肥比例上升而增加的趨勢。
3.Too early (setting stage) or too late (flowering stage) N topdressing stage produced disadvantage influence on the enhancement of grain yield of winter wheat. 追氮時期過早(起身期)或過遲(開花期)均對冬小麥籽粒產量的提高產生不利影響。