clumpy['klʌmpi]adj. 多塊的;成塊的;樹木叢生的
clumpy 成塊的;多塊的;樹林繁茂的;塊狀的;clumpy conglomerate 塊狀礫岩;Clumpy Brush 塊狀畫筆;clumpy structure 塊狀構造;Clumpy Thin Flat 塊狀薄平筆;
1.For some time, scientists have suspected the presence of tiny moonlets that orbit Saturn in association with the clumpy and braided-looking ring. 一段時間以來,科學家們推測圍繞土星運行的微小衛星與結塊和麻花狀環有關。
2.Strodel watches as Yturriondobeitia, working over a stainless steel vat, prepares to drain off the separating milk's liquid whey, leaving a rich, clumpy curd. 史特羅德爾看著尤突芮恩杜貝蒂亞彎身在不銹鋼大槽旁工作。尤突芮恩杜貝蒂亞準備瀝掉正在分離的牛奶液態乳清,留下一塊厚郁、成塊狀的凝乳。
3.This explanation is also consistent with calculations that show that a universe made mostly of protons and neutrons would be far more clumpy than is observed. 這樣的解釋與演算的結果也是一致的,宇宙除了由為數眾多被觀測到的質子和中子組成之外,還有更多有待觀測的樹叢。