hayashi[hɑ:'jɑ:ʃi:]n. 助興樂(日本的一種獨特藝術形式, 是笛和打擊樂器合奏的總稱)
Hayashi 林文夫;早矢仕;助興樂;蔡瑁;Mai Hayashi 林真唯;林真衣;Masakazu Hayashi 財務省次官林正和;Hayashi Yoshiki 林佳樹;林 佳樹;Karen Hayashi 林可琳;
1.Discrimination has now largely vanished, particularly among young people, and now most of Hayashi Kojiro's clients are mainstream businesses. 歧視現在已經漸漸不見了,特別是年輕人,而池袋古木的客人大多都是主流社會的人。
2."It's mainly for men who are exhausted by the summer's heat, " Hayashi said of the beverage, believed to be the first mass-produced eel drink in Japan. 他在提到飲料時說道:「這主要為炎炎夏日之際,疲憊不堪的男性所設計。」該飲料也是日本第一罐量產的鰻魚飲料。
3.As a graduate from a prestigious university there were many career options available to Hayashi Kojiro but he has no regrets about the life style that he has chosen to live. 從名校大學畢業的池袋古木,過去有很多工作選擇機會,不過他沒有後悔他現在所選擇的生活模式。