Petrarchn. 彼特拉克(1304-1374, 意大利詩人, 學者、歐洲人文主義運動的主要代表)
Petrarch 彼特拉克;佩脫拉克;彼得拉克;佩托拉克;Francesco Petrarch 特拉克;佩脫拉克;彼得拉克;Francis Petrarch 彼特拉克;Francessco Petrarch 意大利詩和作家佩拉克;THE TRIUMPHS OF PETRARCH 佩脫拉克的勝利;
1.Beautiful with a beauty which was wholly feminine and angelic, with a complete beauty which would have made Petrarch sing and Dante kneel. 她的美是由女性美和天仙美合成的,是要使彼特拉克1歌唱、但丁拜倒的完全的美。
2.Francesco Petrarch lived in the later mediaeval period in Italy, at that time the Christianity was very widespread, and many people believed in the Christian religion in Italy. 彼特拉克生活在中世紀的晚期,那是一個基督教非常盛行的年代。
3.As he starts to remember, he pays homage to some of the great European poets who have influenced his life and writing, especially Petrarch and the "symmetrical tension" of Dante. 在回憶之始,他就向一些影響他的生活和寫作的偉大歐洲詩人致敬,尤其是彼特拉克和但丁的「對稱張力」。