TIU['ti:u]n. 蒂烏(日耳曼神話裡的戰神和天神)
TIU 單位;熱回收式焚燒系統;蒂尤;那個;diu tiu 享函兕 享 函 兕;tiu diu 享函兕;GO HENRY TIU 吳仲齡;Chui-Mei Tiu 刁翠美;
1.Our School is located close to Tiu Keng Leng MTR station. School bus service is provided. 本校鄰近調景嶺地鐵站,設有校巴服務。
2.The tram (train)* to Ciu (Tiu)* Keng Leng is arriving ; Please let passenger exit first , thank you. 列車到達車站往調景嶺列車即將到站,請先讓乘客落車,多謝合作。
3.A faulty train triggered the sue ion of service between Tiu Keng Leng and North Point for 47 minutes during the morning rush, leaving thousands of cro -harbour commuters late for work. 一列列車在早上繁忙時間發生故障,導致調景嶺至北角之間的列車服務中斷四十七分鐘,數以千計的過海乘客上班遲到。