





r. double ,doubly


twice[twais]adv. 兩次;兩倍


twice 兩次;兩次,兩倍;再次;兩倍;think twice 重新考慮;再想一次;讓我想一想;再三考慮;twice over 兩倍;Herocraft Twice 翻翻樂;Measure twice 測量兩次;去掉一次。;


1.I go about twice a year. 我一年只能看兩次電影。

2.This box is twice as large as that box. 這個箱子的大小是那個箱子的兩倍。

3.Twice a week. 一周兩次課。


going to the children's ward once or twice a week - 每星期就去小兒科病房一、兩次

whom I think you've met once or twice before. - 我想你以前見過他一兩次面。

He is also very fond of playing tennis and manages to find time for a game twice a week. - 他非常喜歡打網球,每週總要抽時間打兩次。

I could have enjoyed the party twice as much. - 將會更盡興。

My brother is twice as tall as your sister. - 我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。

Our new product line has been very successful. We've expanded the factory twice this year already. - 我們新的生產線非常成功,我們今年已把工廠擴展了兩倍。

Yes, our production speed is almost twice the industry-wide average. - 是的,我們的生產速度是其他工廠兩倍。

A good tale is none the worse for being twice told. - 好故事百聽不厭。

A work ill done must be twice done. - 未做好的活,需要重新做。

Better ask twice than lose you way once. - 寧願問路兩次勝過迷路一次。

He gives twice that gives in a trice. - 即刻就給予,等於給兩次。

He lives twice who lives well. - 生活得好的等於生活了兩次。

If things were to be done twice all would be wise. - 事事倘能做兩次,人人都可稱明智。

It is a silly fish, that is caught twice with the same bait. - 蠢人才吃兩次虧。

Once a man and twice a child. - 一次為成人,兩度當小孩。

Once bit, twice shy. - 一朝被蛇咬,三年怕草繩。

Once bitten, twice shy. - 一次被咬,下次膽小。

Two ears to one tongue, therefore hear twice as much as you speak. - 兩隻耳朵對一舌,故應多聽而少說。

Wit once bought is worth twice taught. - 親身一次的經驗,抵得上老師兩次的教導。

Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. - 格林尼治天文台的官員們每天兩次派人矯正此鐘。

Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat. - 我在鄉村有一些熟人,他們每年進城來看一回或幾回戲,並把此看作一種特殊的享受。

chasms wider than the Grand Canyon and at least one mountain more than twice as tall as Everest. - 比大峽谷還寬的裂縫,起碼有一座山有珠穆朗瑪峰的近兩倍高。

Use this treatment twice a day for a week. And another thing, at the end of the week, throw the frozen peas away. They won't be fit to eat. - 一天治療兩次,一周為一個療程。還有,一周以後要把凍豌豆扔掉。它們不能吃。


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