





uterine['ju:tərain]adj. [解]子宮的;同母異父的


uterine 子宮的;子宮;同母異父的;釋義:同母異父的,子宮的;uterine repositor 子宮復位器;釋義:子宮復位器;uterine scissors 子宮剪,產科剪;釋義:子宮剪;uterine applicator 子宮卷棉子;uterine catheter 子宮導管;


1.The approximate six-week period lasting from childbirth to the return of normal uterine size. '產'。''''。'褥'。''''。'期'。''從分娩到子宮恢復正常大小之間的大約六周時間。

2.Uterine myoma is the most common of the female genital tumors, and the traditional management is laparotomy surgery. 子宮肌瘤是女性生殖器最常見的良性腫瘤,傳統的治療方法以開腹手術為主。

3.In a different condition - uterine myoma - the woman had already fasted two weeks with nothing but orange and tomato juice and she complained of a coated tongue and indigestion. 另個不同的情況—子宮肌瘤—這名女士只吃橙汁和番茄汁,已經禁食兩周,然後她抱怨舌頭上像塗了層什麼東西以及消化不良。


uterine forceps with three prongs - 三齒子宮鉗

irregular endometrorrhagia; irregular metrorrhagia; irregular uterine bleeding - 不規則子宮出血

puerperal tetanus; uterine tetanus - 產後破傷風

hypotonic metratonia; hypotonic uterine intertia - 低張性宮縮乏力

dysfunctional uterine bleeding; dysfunctionaluterinebleeding - 功能失調性子宮出血病

uterine apoxesis; uterine curettage - 刮宮術

dysfunctional uterine bleeding; dysfunctionaluterinebleeding; metripathia hemorrhagica - 功能性月經失調

uterine tenaculum forceps - 單爪子宮頸鉗

uterine transplantation of ovary - 卵巢子宮接種術

tumor of mesovarjum and uterine ligament - 卵巢系膜子宮韌帶腫瘤

fibrae tubae uteriae; fimbriae of uterine tube - 卵管傘

primary uterine inertia - 原發性子宮收縮無力

uterine aspiration - 吸宮術

upper uterine segment - 子宮上段

lower uterine segment - 子宮下段

lower uterine caesarian section - 子宮下部剖腹產

incoordinate uterine contraction - 子宮不協調收縮

malignant tumor of uterine body - 子宮體惡性腫瘤

carcinoma of uterine body - 子宮體癌

cavity of uterine body - 子宮體腔

uterine stimulant - 子宮興奮藥

entopic pregnancy; uterine pregnancy - 子宮內妊娠

delivered uterine pregnancy - 子宮內已產妊娠

not delivered uterine pregnancy - 子宮內未產妊娠

replacement of uterine inversion - 子宮內翻復位術

uterine irrifactor gating catheter - 子宮沖洗導管

uterine irrigating set - 子宮沖洗用器械包

uterine secretion scoop - 子宮分泌物匙

uterine curet - 子宮刮匙

uterine curettage - 子宮刮術

uterine scissors - 子宮剪

uterine dysfunction - 子宮功能異常

arteria uterina; uterine artery - 子宮動脈

uterine artery forceps - 子宮動脈鉗

uterine scoop - 子宮匙

apoplexia uteri; uterine apoplexy - 子宮卒中

uterine applicator - 子宮卷棉子

uterine depressor - 子宮壓迫器

uterine vulsellun forceps - 子宮雙爪鉗

uterine aspiration - 子宮吸引術

uterine plugging; uterine tamponade - 子宮填塞法

uterine pore - 子宮孔

uterine progesterone system - 子宮孕酮系統

uterine ischemia - 子宮局部缺血

uterine smooth muscle - 子宮平滑肌

uterine relaxing - 子宮弛緩因子

metratonia; uterine atony - 子宮張力缺乏

uterine dysmenorrhea - 子宮性痛經

uterine amenorrhea - 子宮性閉經

metropolypus; uterine polyp - 子宮息肉


n.輸卵管腹腔口 - abdominal orifice of uterine tube

n.子宮收縮力異常 - abnormality of uterine contraction

n.輸卵管壺腹 - ampulla of uterine tube

n.無排卵型功能性子宮出血 - anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding

n.子宮頸非典型增生 - atypical hyperplasia of uterine cervix

n.子宮頸管 - canal of uterine cervix

子宮頸癌 - cancer of uterine cervix

n.子宮體癌 - carcinoma of uterine body

n.宮頸癌 - carcinoma of uterine cervix

n.子宮體腔 - cavity of uterine body

n.輸卵管纖毛細胞 - ciliated cells of uterine tubes

子宮肋收縮 - constriction of uterine muscle

n.子宮內已產妊娠 - delivered uterine pregnancy

n.子宮頸擴張術 - dilatation of uterine cervix

n.火罐式吸宮瓶 - dry cup type uterine suction bottle

n.功能失調性子宮出血病,功能性月經失調 - dysfunctional uterine bleeding

n.排卵型功能失調性子宮出血 - dysfunctional uterine bleeding of ovulatory type

n.子宮靜脈栓塞 - embolism of uterine vein

n.直腸子宮陷凹子宮內膜異位 - endometriosis of recto uterine excavation

n.自發性子宮出血 - essential uterine hemorrhage

n.子宮外的 - extra uterine

n.卵管傘,輸卵管傘 - fimbriae of uterine tube

機能性子宮出血 - functional uterine bleeding

n.高張性宮縮乏力 - hypertonic uterine dysfunction

n.低張性宮縮乏力 - hypotonic uterine intertia

n.胞脈受損 - impairment of uterine collaterals

n.子宮縱隔切除術 - incision of uterine septum

n.子宮不協調收縮 - incoordinate uterine contraction

n.輸卵管漏斗 - infundibulum of uterine tube

n.不規則子宮出血 - irregular uterine bleeding

輸卵管峽部 - isthmus of uterine tube

n.子宮下部剖腹產 - lower uterine caesarian section

n.子宮下段 - lower uterine segment

n.子宮體惡性腫瘤 - malignant tumor of uterine body

n.小鼠子宮單位 - mouse uterine unit

n.子宮內未產妊娠 - not delivered uterine pregnancy

n.胞門 - orifice of the uterine cervix

n.胞門 - otifice of the uterine cervix

n.宮頸癌前病變 - precancerous lesions of uterine cervix

n.原發性子宮收縮無力 - primary uterine inertia

n.子宮內翻復位術 - replacement of uterine inversion

n.子宮疤痕破裂 - rupture of uterine scar

繼發性子宮無力 - secondary uterine inertia

n.宮腔吸取標本 - specimen aspirated from uterine cavity

n.石瘕 - stony uterine mass

n.子宮頸結核 - tuberculosis of uterine cervix

n.輸卵管子宮的 - tubo uterine

n.卵巢系膜子宮韌帶腫瘤 - tumor of mesovarjum and uterine ligament

n.胞絡空虛 - underfilling of uterine collaterals

n.子宮上段 - upper uterine segment

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