





dual-duty pump dual-purpose pump 雙用泵;dual-duty pump dual-purpose pump 雙用泵;dual-duty pump dual-purpose pump 雙用泵;dual actuators 雙重致動器;dual adornment 二嚴;


1.In this paper, a design method of dual port RAM implemented by general memory is introduced, and a dual monolithic computers parallel communication system is implemented using dual port RAM. 介紹了採用通用存儲器實現雙口RAM的設計方法,並應用雙口RAM實現雙單片機並行通信系統,該系統具有較快的通信速度和較高的可靠性。

2.This work has a miniature dual Balun saving the 76% area from fundamental dual Balun. Therefore, the mixer is a miniature area sub-harmonically pumped image rejection mixer. 於此電路中針對雙巴倫做微小化設計,相較於基本型之雙巴倫將節省76%的面積,因此得到一極小面積之次諧波鏡像抑制混頻器。

3.Dual controls for pilot and copilot; a car with dual exhaust pipes. 飛行員與副飛行員複式操縱裝置;有雙排氣管的汽車。

4.The phenomenon of "dual-track" may be adjusted and processed by the certain methods. The author suggests popularizing the dual laterolog tool with a strong focusing mode. 雙側向測井的「雙軌」現象可以通過一定的辦法進行校正和處理,建議推廣使用強聚焦型雙側向測井儀器。

5.METHODS: The two groups were tested by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, DXA) and 64-slice spiral CT scans to obtain HRCT image for analysis. 方法:兩組均經64層螺旋CT掃瞄獲取高分辨CT圖像進行分析及雙能X射線骨密度儀檢查。


dual purpose - 兩用

n. dual phase steel sheet - 兩相鋼板

dual property; dualistic nature - 二象性

dual observerscope - 雙人觀察鏡

dual matched column - 雙匹配柱

dual antagonist - 雙向拮抗劑

double transducer scanner; dual head scanner - 雙探頭掃瞄機

dual probe system - 雙探頭測定系統

dual column - 雙柱

dual labeled samples - 雙標記樣品

dual detector - 雙檢測器

dual therapyunit - 雙治療裝置

dual wavelength tlc scanner - 雙波長薄層色譜掃瞄儀

dual ball check valve - 雙球止逆閥

n. dual centrifugal casting - 雙離心鑄造法

dual channel operation - 雙路遠轉

dual disc set point - 雙轉盤組合點

dual channel detection system - 雙道探測系統

n. dual centrifugal casting - 雙重離心鑄造法

dual recognition - 雙重識別

dual regulation - 雙重調節

n. vanadium containing dual phase steel - 含釩雙相鋼

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