GLI 廣義線性反演;Gaming Laboratories International;帶領遊戲技巧導師課程;Gli Intoccabili 鋌而走險;SANTANA GLi 世紀新秀;gli agnolotti 小的 , 新月形的麵食;gli gnocchi 馬鈴薯麵團布丁;
1.Spero che io, mamma e 希望我和媽媽還有全家人健健康康的度過這一年。
2.Detto questo, sputo in terra, fece del fango con la saliva ene spalmo gli occhi del cieco. 說了這話,就吐唾沫在地上,用唾沫和了一點泥,把泥抹在瞎子的眼睛上。
3.Two other award winners were GLI Networkers and it was great to meet them and to be present to see their success. 兩名其他協力社的協力員獲得了其他兩個獎項。能夠見到他們並且見證他們的成功真的是一件值得高興的事情。