unpilotedadj. 無人駕駛的
unpiloted 無人領航的;無人駕駛的;
1.An unpiloted vehicle shows up at the Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, June 25, 200
7. 6月25日拍攝的首都機場旅客捷運系統「小火車」車廂內景。
2.The unpiloted launch tested an alternate concept for safely propelling a future spacecraft and its crew away from a problem on the launch pad or during ascent. 本次無人發射實驗測試了一種用於未來太空船緊急救援的替代性設想,以便使火箭在發射台或上升段出現問題時讓全體乘員安全脫離。
3.Iraqi security forces were placed on high alert and American aircraft —unpiloted reconnaissance drones flying low, and fighter jets roaring high above —crossed the capital. 伊拉克安全部隊處於高警戒狀態,美國空軍在首都上空穿梭,無人駕駛偵察機低空飛行,戰鬥噴氣機高空呼嘯。