n. convergency ,converging ,intersection ,overlap
n. divergence ,divergency
convergence[kən'və:dʒəns]n. [數]收斂;會聚,集合
convergence 會聚;收斂;輻合;聚集;Convergence test 收斂試驗;algorithm convergence 算法收斂;算法收斂性;monotonic convergence 單調收斂性;單調收歛性;單調收斂;convergence principle 聚合原則;收斂原理;收斂原則;
1.The testers can also be used to measure wavefront curvature and quantify divergence/convergence magnitude. 這些測試儀器也可以用於測量波陣面曲度和確定發散量/收斂量。
2.The test functions show that the algorithm has better convergence speed and stability, the solving result is excellent. 通過測試函數表明該算法具有較好的收斂速度和穩定性,求解結果非常好。
3.Then the mechanism of Simulated Annealing is import in the algorithm above to decrease the execution time and quickens the velocity of convergence. 然後,為了加快遺傳算法的收斂速度減少算法執行時間引入模擬退火機制對上述算法進行優化。
convergence amplitude - 會聚幅度
convergence projection theory - 會聚投射學說
convergence electrode - 會聚電極
convergence angle - 會聚角
convergence reflex of pupil - 瞳孔聚合反射
convergence reflex; convergencereflex - 聚合反射
convergence of vessels in the lung; convergence ofvessels in the lung - 肺朝百脈
convergence reflex; convergencereflex - 輻輳反射
convergence nystagmus - 輻輳性眼球震顫
convergence excess - 輻輳過多
convergence reflex; convergencereflex - 集合反射
趨同適應,適應性集合 - adaptive convergence
會聚幅度 - amplitude of convergence
會聚角,內聚角 - angle of convergence
會聚遠點 - far point of convergence
n.輻輳機能不全 - insufficiency of convergence
會聚近點 - near point of convergence
n.輻輳麻痺 - palsy of convergence
n.收斂速度 - rate of convergence
相對會聚 - relative convergence